13/10 heckin good response from a real good boy. would press star button again
13/10 heckin good response from a real good boy. would press star button again
then we put the kids up for sale and buy matching His and Hers Porsches.
So what the fuck is the individual citizen to do? I’ve lived beneath the poverty line most of my goddamn life and I’ve barely enough resources to support my family. I live in AK (a Red state) so I know that my phone call to Murkowski was just a waste and the only thing I’m doing when I argue with my Red neighbors is…
Hmm. There are two scenes involving animals. I am extremely an animal person, and neither one bothered me especially.
“How dare he try to work towards a better life for himself and his son!!”
Well the United States did unleash the War on Drugs that’s causing these folks to flee their countries, so yes...
I believe that woman is just a master of “Ghost Riding the Whip”
“Why is the body off the frame?”
Why not just remove the engine and rebuild it when you remove the light so you don’t have to do it later - which we all know is inevitable.
Why not just remove the whole headlight and restore it on a bench instead of trying to mask off the bodywork?
Wow..that’s what you think someone would be jealous of? You definitely have the IQ of a snapping turtle. Way to go, bub!
Well in the dealership’s defense, she was buying a Fiat. Good enough reason as any to check for a human brain.
Our bodies are not built to fight large cats. We have thin skin that doesn’t do a good job protecting our vitals from large claws and huge teeth. We’re good at problem solving and throwing things, and we’re built to do some physical things quite well, but fighting large cats and bears is not what we excel at.
I’m honestly surprised there’s no mention of any horses getting spooked and throwing a rider.
The part where he flies a helicopter back into an event with horses just to impress a young woman who’s not interested in him is a perfect encapsulation of his narcissism (and it’s resulting complete disregard for others).
Record-high for Trump. That’s like being the world’s tallest midget. He’s at 42%.
Guys, I think this fact robot might be broken
The Corvette doesn’t need to be at a Cars and Coffee event to take down an innocent bystander. And it’s strapped down!! Now that’s a car.
Fortunately his paper thin muscles and rubbery, calcium deficient bones came through unscathed. Don’t listen to your parents: all that time spent playing video games and living on a Doritos diet will eventually pay off.
The GTI is like that super premium organic vanilla ice cream with 5 ingredients that gets everything right and is so good you don’t miss thinks like marshmallow chunks.