Not surprised:
Not surprised:
This is newsworthy? There are names written in tar ALL OVER my neighborhood. I can think of at least 4-5 off the top of my head and I often don’t even notice them anymore.
It’s in the Declaration of Independence:
The way I see it, you’re hurtling through the air at high altitude with at least dozens of other people in a pressurized metal tube partially filled with jet fuel. In a country that not an insignificant number of people would like to see burned to the ground. I’d rather they make things a little inconvenient for us…
Don’t be an idiot.
The problem with this is you don’t end up saving money. You just hunger for more cars, and pay to keep them going. At one point I was living in an apartment and had three VW Golfs. I’m down to two now but I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss the days when I had my own fleet of Golfs.
I’ve actually never got tired of any car I owned.
The driver admitted that she was looking at her smartphone instead of the road. This accident was completely the driver’s fault. Next case.
And it’ll be nearly the same as the $20 VW part, but the VW part comes in glacial grey where as the Audi part comes in Arctic grey so the VW part would be just off enough to drive you crazy. Clever VAG bastards.
It’s a new week! A glorious new week! The kind of week that’s going to make you want to hop into your Citroën GSA Break, digitize yourself into the ‘80s Com-Pu-Tor Dimension, and really load up on some busts and columns and massive, uncarryable luggage!
Thanks I hate it, and am also glad that art did what it’s supposed to do: elicit emotion.
The family sticker figures on rear windows. I can’t stand them one bit.
SUVs of course. The fact that they’re terrible gas-guzzling dangerous garbage, while it is the reason why I wouldn’t want to own one, is not my objection to somebody crazy enough to want a crappy car like that having one for himself.
Fun fact! In the mid 1980s, BMW used this fender-flared 6 Series mule to test out the V12 engine that later went into the 7 Series and 8 Series of the ‘90s. I bet that was fun to drive!
How’s your new to you Audi?
And to be clear... I’m not saying they weren’t. I’m just trying to say that all too often, people will scoff at someone’s creativity and that can hurt. It causes people to just go and do idiotic things because they don’t know any better. Like... this is no different than an Aerial Atom... it’s just that the person who… will I save for my 911 without all those sweet, sweet crossover deals?
Everyone would wonder what a clutch is then.
To everything there is an end. Step by step, we trudge towards our eventual destination. Bound by chains that drag along those who agree with this path, they move unerringly to their final end. That choice, that destination, was chosen by hubris and by force - by greed and power and lust. And sold in a neat package to…