
What kind of “experts” don’t suggest a Honda Accord Sport 2.0T which is a similar motor to the Type R.   Comes in a Manual Transmission and is a great family sedan and what I’d expect would be Honda reliability. 

I find your lack of a GTI on this list disturbing.

Comparing regulations from today and from nearly 40 years ago makes so sense. Regulations are far more strict these days and Ford would never be able to sell the Pinto in that form in today’s environment

I would think shaking a person with a medical emergency would be the last thing you would want to do.

Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die

You know you can be a “car people” and think that building suburbs around car usage, driving a car downtown and removing catalytic converters to gain a few HP are all dumb ideas.

Here’s your daily reminder that cutting animal products from your diet is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on earth”, especially when you consider that it doesn’t cost anything extra (like solar panels or a new car). Of course we need governments to start doing something but in a capitalist

We have not been waiting for a $100,000 wagon. We’ve been waiting for a $28,000 GTI wagon with a manual transmission.  

Counter counterpoint: You’re dead wrong. 

Nothing, one of them had some road rash so the dealership took care of it. He mentioned the cost and I think it was somewhere around $75/wheel. For reference:

You are entitled to your wrong opinion.

Not if you make for better olds than the boomers ^^

I’d rather have that situation than continue to be ruled by 70 year old white dudes who have literally broken the planet with their greed.

I wonder what % of people who specify no manual because of ‘traffic’ actually know how to drive a manual or have owned a manual before and feel like they have to give some bs excuse in order to not be perceived (in their mind or otherwise) as a ‘real’ enthusiast

*cough* ahem

If SUVs are outlawed, then only outlaws will have SUVs.

A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.

Hello Oversteer, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Of a HellKitty quickly fleeing
And the excrement that left a stain
Still remains
Within the sound of superchargers

You don’t need a study to know that lane centering technology is capable, but U.S. road markings are horrible.