
He’s signing “call the cops!” as well.

They left out the Hillside Strangler in Chicago—eastbound 88 and 290 converging to one shitty three-lane freeway with Al Capone’s resting place on one side and the ghost of a landfill (which, in its heyday, was hellaciously effluvious as you sat immobile in traffic during the dog days of summer) on the other side.

Nah, I’m sticking with “they’re both wrong” here.

My thoughts, too. I think he wanted justice for the thrown bottle but was carried away by the bus. It would be risky for him to jump off the bus so he hung on for dear life and demanded that the bus stop and/or bystanders call the cops.

Interesting that he’s signing “Call the cops” to someone standing off to the side.

When my dad and I took my very-first VW (a 1995 Jetta) for a test drive, the salesperson gave us the keys and told us to go for it alone.

Knowing VAG, this TT will need about $2,250 in repairs after about 200 miles with its new owner (180 of those delightful, the other 20 entrenched in a cold sweat).

Tell us more...

You need to expand your mind. Once you go stick you’ll never go back.

Don’t forget the constant undercurrent of minor alarm as the vehicle shifts through gears itself in wet or slick conditions.

That’s a fine price for a Hellcat with speed-enhancing dimples.

brutal beauty, you

A+ product placement.

It looks like Mrs. Toad’s monstrous spawn that was locked in the basement for years and is only now experiencing sunshine.


Behemoths with tiny asses like the BMW X6.

And someone get me out of the grays, please.

If 23,500 of us kick in ten bucks then it’s ours!

Procrastinating the caffeine probably kept your britches cleaner, too.

What about Porsche whale tails?