
This was a test to see how long it would take the jaws of life to extract a crash victim. The roll bars were added after the fact, for fun.

Apple has got that monorail technology we’ve all been hearing about.

Basically, the software wasn’t trained to understand a human walking with a bike. It could identify a human walking or a human riding a bike, but not walking a bike.

If you want to charge a battery fast, it will cause heat. The heat speeds up the undesired chemical side reactions in the battery - chemically degrading the material. So, you get less maximum charge every time you do it. If you could charge a battery without resistance, like the startup claims, no excessive heat is

More like Poo-ter, amirite?

Is that just the lighting, or does the door accent really go from black to carbon fiber?

CP for sure. It’s like they didn’t care enough to do a good job. Even if you think it’s stupid, you can see if someone took pride in their work.

Fix my panel gaps, Elon!

I’d be happy if it just turned up the volume when Photograph comes across the radio. It’s a proven fact: if you hear that song, you must turn up the volume.

I would totally lick that stamp.

I’m with you for 2.5 cars.

More like Mooch 1, amirite?

Suzuki Samurai?

Something, something, eight seconds.

Ha! Like someone could get a 944 running to do a track day!

I had a V6 SLE will all the options with an auto. The only thing that sucked on the car was the paint job. First, it was silver, but in the mid-2000's, silver was pretty catchy. Second, the paint faded horribly on the hood. Like, the worst I’ve seen from a relatively new car. It’s like the heat from the engine just

Oh, there is another kind? I guess you pleebs do have it rough. Sucks to be you!

You may now see the complexity of determining something as mundane as a human walking their bicycle. Most likely the software is trained to either either a human, a bike, or a human on a bike. But probably not a human walking a bike which humans can understand instantly. Hats off to the data science nerds!

I’ll donate a few bucks to see the rocker panel say ‘AMERICAN Golden Eagle’