
Wow. You're really taken with the tone of your own keyboard aren't you. Fuck. Get a life.

NO. I don't, because I'm not writing a paper. I don't credit for this. I cited two examples and your own googling can provide still more. Do the fucking research.

Don't research it. Just cite an opinion as fact. Perfect. Nicely done.

No. I did not. I cited two examples and suggested the OP look up the history of height with regards to stars in film and television. Do y0u have comprehension issues?

I'm 5'9. When I met him I looked down on him. The IMDB and Wiki stats are provided by their handlers. None of them are as tall as their stats indicate.

You really aren't smart are you. No worries. That was rhetorical. Initially, I thought I was talking to a garden variety dumdum, and thought perhaps common sense and maturity would win out over ignorance and stupidity. I did not realize I was speaking to a world class idiot. Well done with that, and good look with

Check. It's true. Tom Cruise = 5'7. Mark Wahlberg =5'7. Tiny people with big heads are telegenic.

I KNOW you are emotionally immature irrespective of chronological age. Age doesn't imbue you with any magical powers of perception; experience and wisdom do. You're working with neither. I don't care how old you are.

Imagine how interesting your comments will be when you grow up, garner some life experience and realize life is delivered to us in shades of grey.

Try keeping the phones you use very clean. Many years ago when I was frequently trapped on a communal phone at work, I had terrible break outs around the chin area and no where else. De-funking the phones helps.

Eleven years ago, five even, this site had the most intelligent comments found virtually anywhere online. Those days are long gone, and those brilliant, well-written insightful commenters have moved on. Now, this site seems to be filled with angry, intolerant, cause-seeking idealists [read: myopic, vocal

Thanks for the entertainment. Nicely done with the epic naiveté. I actually envy your rose-colored glasses.

Holy Fucking White People, WTF? Thanks for embarrassing the rest of us again.

Good to hear America got just even dumber. I didn't realize it was possible. I'm supposed to know the whereabouts of everyone I text? This country is fucked.

Why is CVS putting itself in the policing business?

This judge is too stupid to judge.

Is it wrong that I want to hit his bloated, porcine face with a bat?

For the record, I responded to something you said to me, not to one of your comments, but you really are a colossal pile of desperation aren't you? You decided to defend some indefensible cock and balls on the internet, to this stranger, who has clearly, and repeatedly, articulated her complete lack of interest in

You just look for online arguments, don't you?

It wasn't an apology, doll. Intentional obtuseness is not cute. Have you ever heard of a figure of speech? You are, however, correct with regards to my feelings about ridiculing a stranger who chose to leave his house with his penis completely exposed subjecting the rest of us to an assault on our senses.