
Please don’t misunderstand me, I think people are absolutely entitled to believe whatever the hell they want. However, I take umbrage with people using their very personal spiritual beliefs (that NOT. ALL. PEOPLE. SHARE) to justify a horrific action, excuse a horrific action(Mr. Huckabee!), or use their beliefs as a

I was smoking a joint with Jesus just last night & he told me he can't stand these people. They keep calling him, be has no idea where they got his number.

I love how the girls - the real victims - have become completely invisible in all this. And when I say love, I mean “I would like to set someone’s face on fire”.

Oh, come we really believe that it stopped? He faced the consequences of...a summer job and then went right back home.

The Duggar parents gave Josh carte Blanche to abuse FOUR of his sisters over a period of YEARS. They failed to protect their girls!

I am 4000% unsurprised.

I'm #TeamBette

Quality > Quantity. Fix the quality problem and you no longer have a quantity problem. But that notion flies in the face of commonly accepted "facts" about health and nutrition. So I'll just sit back and enjoy my full fat real foods while ya'll count the calories in all the shit manufactured "food" products. Have fun

Discount Truman Capote

I have heard people argue that violent and hateful lyrics are Em's form of therapy given his horrible young life, that this is his acceptable way of purging anger and violent thoughts through writing without actually lashing out physically. I tend to think this is a fine defense, though I gotta say I'm inclined to

Am I the only one who doesn't reuse towels without washing them? No matter how clean I think I am, I still don't want to wipe my face with the towel that I wiped my butt crack with the day before.

Good for John Hodgman. Fuck Uber. They've made San Francisco extra intolerable right now. Ashton Kutcher, sit down and shut the fuck up.

How hard is it to send an email saying "Hey, the law says Plan B is available to everyone, regardless of age, over the counter. So, if a woman comes in and wants Plan B, she doesn't need a prescription, she doesn't need to be 18 or older. She just gets it if she asks for it and pays for it. Done."

This is someone who was hanging out at a trendy, crowded place, it was caught on video, and she went straight to the police, once she figured out what happened. She did everything that every asshole who responds with "BUT DID SHE DO THIS" after hearing a rape account asks about. And she still hasn't seen justice.

Sorry to be a killjoy, but that looks like obsessive shadow chasing which can be a symptom of OCD-like behavior. It's at best mildly annoying and at worst can present significant training problems because the dog ignores normal reinforcement (attention, treats) because the drive to chase shadows/reflections is so

I apologize if this has been said, today I am not up to scrolling through the 190 comments already posted. I doubt, however, that the following sentiment has been shared more than a couple of times:

I really have to roll my eyes anytime a celebrity says this. Every fucking time.

And the parents also have to deal with the fact that they have produced children and are now responsible for their behavior and training.

Dear all avoidant parents who think it's totally okay to bring your tiny humans in public without training them for the experience first: When they inevitably start throwing a tantrum, do not just let them scream their heads off with no correction. DO NOT cave in and buy them whatever they are screaming about. DO you

No. No babies in bars. Ever. Any circumstances.