a) Selling his soul to the devil.
a) Selling his soul to the devil.
Modi and Trump are birds of a feather. Egotistical oligarchs who play to an extremist base and they have no regard for their own country’s laws. I hope they both choke.
If his family loves him, then why did they let a man who “makes mistake in his words just talking to him in a conversation” have a public position doing just that, knowing he could embarrass himself, them and anyone within earshot?
“He makes mistake in his words just talking to him in a conversation, you would know if you weren’t so quick to judge,” wrote the person. “He is literally the most unselfish, honest, caring and loving man I know.”
It’s not a photoshoot, it’s a digital illustration. WarNymph is not modelling Balenciaga because she can’t because she has no body. WarNymph is not being interviewed, but hey, it’s cute if Grimes wants to pretend interviews conducted remotely are some new invention because she’s just so unique and manic pixie dream…
Yep. Mine too. In fact I already have a road tripped ready to go to both McConnell’s and Trump’s graves when they finally die, so I can take an epic diarrhea shit on their headstones.
Just remember: A Jury of white women set his ass free. The 53% the gift that keeps on giving. They are the foot soldiers of the white patriarchy. Oh anyone that puts two in chest, head and groin, I will start the Go Fund Me Campaign for your fees
There are only two people that I can’t wait for them to die: George Zimmerman and Donald Trump.
The thing is, I kinda do blame Elle.
Donald Trump is a flaming pile of shit
So Elle stands with accused rapists over their victims? Good to know...
Definitely more interesting than an F1 race!
‘When they go low we go high’ doesn’t work anymore, ICYMI. Let’s go back to conducting ourselves like grownups when grownups are in charge again.
This ought to be so easy. All President Obama has to do is tweet out a single accomplishment of his, compared to how it outperformed trump, every hour on the hour until tRump goes on a shooting spree. There is more than enough material there to last the rest of the year, or 7,344 tweets.
There is no way that Trump himself wrote that initial reply tweet. There is no evidence that he could spell “quantitative easing”, let alone use the phrase in any way.
1. Trump destabilized our trade with the dumb tariff games against China. He literally had to put soy farmers on corporate welfare.
The US’ first president is noteworthy for not being able to tell a lie.
The truth Trump can’t stand:
Obama lives rent free in that dotard's head.