If sitting in my room smoking pot will help with this outbreak, then I will do all I can. We all need to pull together!
If sitting in my room smoking pot will help with this outbreak, then I will do all I can. We all need to pull together!
trump is the harbinger of the apocalypse.
lol moron
Brutal Doom is a mod thats been properly released by the mods creator.
Right Wing People: I don’t give a shit if it doesn’t effect me.
trump will get the Coronavirus after shaking hands with Nikki Haley and then licking his fingers.
Bullshit. Bad landlords do care about invading their tenants privacy, and a tenant would not know that until they encounter a landlord like that. Your comment is dumb. Just sayin.
No. The cameras could be hidden or obscured. Dont reward bad behavior from landlords by saying that if they trick the tenants then its all good.
They were not protesting. The protests came after the gun was brandished. Read the article more closely.
I don’t see how this falls under fair use.
This is all because of the insecurity and immaturity of one man...
As a criminal and a traitor, Donald Trump hates the courts and he hates the law.
On a side note, ban the scam of application fees when applying for housing. Its a straight up scam and most of these $50 fees will only be pocketed by shitty landlords.
And that is?
Im not interested in your comment.
Snoop Stan
You can’t Trade Mark it if it’s spelled correctly!
Those are Moisture Vaperators and they collect water... or thats what I’ve been told. I’m not a nerd or anything...