Can Jalopnik stick to cars, please.
Who is that and what did he do
City inspectors haven’t been able to get access to the building. A faulty fridge does not usually mean 30+ people dead. Those people were trapped and killed because they were in a labyrinth of flammable junk that obstructed walkways, doors, and windows.
I’m pretty sure the common thread here is marijuana. The employees got freaked out by a customer and hid in the back: high. Dude goes to CVS in the middle of the night looking for cheese and spends 45 minutes wandering around the store: high.
On the R129 SL 600, recommendations:
She’s been put through the ringer for 30 years. She deserved better from her country. I’m still with her.
Your choice of verbs sucks.
This. Replace ‘cigarettes’ with ‘cold boxes of pizza’ and you’ve summed up my election night newsroom experience for eight years.
I disagree with you on Clinton, but I’m fucking so relieved that you’re not saying that Sanders would’ve done better. Like, we can have a conversation about Clinton, but I’m pretty much done with all these fucking crystal-ball owning motherfuckers who are gonna sit here and tell me that the idiot contingent in America…
I don’t agree with your assessment of the election, which I guess will invalidate anything else I have to say in your eyes. I thought Hillary was an excellent, experienced candidate with a clear progressive platform. I thought, and still think, that she would’ve been a more effective—if somewhat less…
So, this is a really interesting topic of discussion! And you’re going to get a way longer response than you want, which you probably won’t bother to read, but here I go ...
Folks, we’ve just suffered a major national tragedy, and one that has had a direct, causative effect on my desire to…
Donald Trump won, and the media is grasping for answers as to why we didn’t predict it. Already, you can see the…
In the coming days people will be looking for someone to blame, the pollsters, the strident feminists, the Democratic Party, a vengeful god, but once you dust for finger prints, it’s pretty clear who ruined America—white people. I guess, ruining Brooklyn was just a dry run. The caucasian nation turned up in droves to…
Something tells me you don’t know shit about me. I was born and raised in rural Minnesota, my parents currently live in RURAL Washington state. I spent 18 months working at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri from 2011-2013. I spent my freshman year of college in rural Iowa. I have spent and continue to spend lots of time…
It primary wasn’t fucking rigged. Just like the general wasn’t rigged. We apparently need to better realize that a large group of people exist outside the internet realm we spend our time and there are more of them.
NO. Sorry, but no. This is not Hillary Clintons fault. This is the fault of the people who voted for Donald Trump in spite of every monstrous thing he’s said and done for the past 50 years, and of anyone who didn’t take it seriously or thought it couldn’t happen. This is the fault of anyone who doesn’t know shit about…