This might be the best advice I've ever seen given. As a miserable 35 year old I would love to be able to go back in time and take it. Take heed, Mitchell.
This might be the best advice I've ever seen given. As a miserable 35 year old I would love to be able to go back in time and take it. Take heed, Mitchell.
Accountants are worth it.
It's incredible to me that someone who writes for a car blog could conclude that these marks were the result of a keying.
All a vacuum does is create a low-pressure area that nature, abhorring a such things, rushes to fill with air and equalize. Since air pressure at sea level is 14.7 lbs/square inch, even if it was some kind of perfect, high-powered vacuum and was 100% sealed to her scalp, -14.7 lbs/sq inch (relative to the rest of her…
Bruce Springsteen's 'Drive All Night.' It's not exactly a love song — more of a love lost song I guess — but it's my all-time favorite track.
Erg, this is sort of random, but as a long-time lurker, I was always hoping you'd get a star before all of that went away. Anyway, nicely said, as usual.
It probably is a real kid, but footage that was shot elsewhere and composited in. It's good CGI, but it's definitely CGI (it's not just the shadows... if you look at the footage frame-by-frame you'll see some odd motion of both the bird/baby and the camera around the time it drops him). After twelve years as a video…
I've been wondering a lot about this too, starting with the Clackamas mall shooting here in Portland. If you're crazy enough to go on a shooting spree, you're probably crazy enough to believe the world's gonna end due to an ancient calendar, right? Maybe that's what's pushing some of them over the edge. I'm nervous…