That can also happen if you happen to be a woman, but don’t have your own kids.
That can also happen if you happen to be a woman, but don’t have your own kids.
I wasn’t offended by the video but the whole nurturing mom thing rubs me the wrong way because my mom is a piece of shit, and it’s a lonely place to be
Yeah...if women telling you that something is sexist is “picking a fight” that causes you to rethink your ally status, I don’t know that you’re being the best ally.
Well, I think having to listen to women with the Most Important Job In The World carry on about it while getting hassled for being unmarried and childless without stabbing someone in the face makes *me* have a set of skills better suited for certain professions. :-P
Yet it never adds to male candidate’s qualifications so once again it is defining a woman as a mother, not a person.
Why should the ability to be a mother even be an issue when it comes to being president. I don’t ever remember candidates’ status as a father ever being the focus of previous elections. It smacks of sexism and reminds me of Andrea Leadsom’s idiotic comments during the campaign to become the Prime Minister of the UK…
But this isn’t true. Some moms are shitty moms! A lot of them. They don’t ‘get stuff done’ and their kids suffer for it. It’s not being a mom that makes them ‘the type to get stuff done’. That they’re ‘the type to get stuff done’ to begin with is what makes them good mothers.
I also think it’s important to stop picking fights with an ally
Oh, THANK YOU! nothing drives me up the wall faster than those two words: “Maternal instinct”
Preach. I never want to take away from dads doing amazing things. You guys rock. I’m married to one. But he’s not amazing because he does roughly half of the chores and loves his kids. That should be the standard. I think dads who just do the bare minimum are missing out.
Hm. I would say that the skills you’re referring to that ‘make a person better suited for certain professions’ are, in fact, INNATE.
I’m a mother. A working single mother no less and I still don’t like that part at all and more so I don’t think Hillary would either. She’s running for President because of her qualifications. She’s not running because she’s uniquely qualified because she’s a mother.
When dads are doing a full-on 50% of parenting in every household in the world, I’ll be interested in entertaining this notion.
“I’m not even saying that qualifies you more to be the president over a childfree person”
I think that is mostly people’s point here. Saying motherhood makes you more qualified to be a mother is one thing... saying it makes you more qualified in general is another. Hillary would be just as qualified for the presidency…
She IS a mother and guess what - mothers, by nature, are nurturing
It’s benevolent sexism.
“Tough bitch mother” isn’t the sexist part. The stuff he said about moms being inherently better parents than dads is the sexist part. That way of thinking hurts men because it underestimates their potential and it hurts women because it dumps extra work on them.
That’s how I felt, it was for a different audience than me. It was my anger translated to unwoke dude language.
Exactly, and I like when people recognize she just gets constantly shit on, yet keeps working. She’s better than I ever could be.
I agree. I don’t like the mother piece, but he’s right - she’s ridiculously resilient and really isn’t the lesser of two evils. She’s qualified on her own.