
It happened to my male friend too! He was seated in the same row as an orthodox couple. Asshole had the aisle, woman had the middle, my friend hand the window.

So if you’ve got 10 flight attendants, and 8 of them are women, all of whom have declared themselves ‘dirty’, what happens during meals/drinks/etc? Do these dudes just eat last because they can only be served by a male steward? Because men being forced to wait and eat after the women because of their own choices is

Because religion. I think some people only practice religion so they can think they're better than everyone else without actually having to be better.

Respectful? How do you respectfully say “Um, my outdated and sexist religious notions won’t allow me to be a functioning member of society, please make the proper arrangements to have other people accommodate my wishes”?

Here’s the thing about this that was easy to miss in the segment: Part of the reason that rapists maintaining parental rights is important is not just because of the possibility of rapists gaining visitation/custody rights. (Obviously, that’s awful.) It’s also because rapists can use the threat of suing for custody as

Pictured: Barack HUSSEIN Obama uses his Muslim powers to give entire islands The Gay to keep them from telling the truth about #BENGHAZI.

Those motherfuckers. I once flew to Israel on crutches with a bad sprained ankle and had to give up my special accommodation seat that let me elevate my foot because a Haredi wouldn’t sit next to me. They put me in a back row seat that didn’t recline.

I know someone who was raised Haredim, and she told me that the issue isthat women are considered to be holier than men and untouchable by them. That said, she told me that it’s considered a sin, for lack of a better term, to cause shame and embarrassment to another person. Most rabbis advise that a traveller sits

Here’s a better switch. If it was a conservative Muslim, rather than a Jew, refusing to sit next to a woman would anyone have any hesitation kicking them off the flight and arresting them?

“One person’s religious rights do not trump another person’s civil rights”

Agreed. I consider myself a pretty open-minded person. So if your religion really dictates that you can’t sit next to me because I’m a woman, that’s fine. But it’s up to you to plan ahead and make the appropriate accommodations, not me.

Nobody’s criticizing their request to sit next to a man. We’re criticizing their request to make women move so that they don’t have to sit next to them. If it’s your religion making it impossible for you to sit next to a woman, then you should be willing to inconvenience yourself mildly to accommodate it. It’d be like

Religious extremism - in any religion - never seems to work out well for the ladies.

You can criticize their behavior without criticizing their religion. These men didn’t simply ask to change their own seats. They demanded that the women - who were seated in their assigned seats - get up and move for them. And when these women refused to move (rightfully so), these men had temper tantrums holding up

lol at ANYONE getting on a plane and expecting to sit next to someone of their choosing. The rest of us get on planes expecting to be seated next to Golum so why are you a special snowflake, Precious?

If it were any other passenger that refused to be seated, they would be removed. Just because they claim it violates their religious beliefs, it shouldn't preclude their removal. Obviously, there's a 50-50 chance they'll be seated next to a woman. Perhaps they should have thought of that beforehand. I'm with you.

When I was a F/A I heard some stories of Hasidic men asking the flight attendants if they were “dirty” meaning on their periods on flights to Tel Aviv. Apparently the men cannot accept service items from “dirty” women. Most F/A’s would answer that they were absolutely on their period.

Let’s imagine for a second that a person with brown skin started making verbally abusive demands about seat preference, which delayed a plane takeoff. Hmmmm .....

“Failing that, maybe verbally abusive people throwing adult tantrums in the aisles should be removed from the plane?”

Yes, dude. Welcome to reality. Mine breastfed for 18 & 19 months. Many breastfeed longer. I thought you were an expert on the subject, what with your mansplanation that feeding a baby is just like yanking on your dick.