
What works for me is being a “situational extrovert.” I can turn on the extrovert when needed, but then very happily go home to peace & qui

I’ve worked from home for quite a few years and have a similar “separate PC” setup. My work computer is in my study. My personal computer is in the living room. I work on laptops, but duplicated the setups completely - two large custom lap desks, separate mice, etc. (although the work computer has a second screen on a

NMS is the game I finally learned the lesson on. I've pre-ordered so many things and gotten some play out of them but it wasn't what was promised and/or I really should have waited for reviews. Finally (the triumph of experience over hope) I sat on my hands for NMS. I looked at screenshots and trailers and decided I

Being large (tall & wide) and anxiety-prone, I fly business class exclusively. I can’t take the mean people nor the pain in my knees!

I can’t agree more. My brother, who works in social services/criminal justice, has wanted to complete gun certification to get access to certain kinds of work, but he's put it off thus far because he knows he is prone to outbursts of anger and doesn't want to put his family in danger. And even though I'm generally a does mumbling something into the air do anything, other than make you feel as if you've 'done something' without actually doing anything? Then you can go on your self-satisfied way because you took five seconds out to pretend-talk to an invisible and non-existent air fairy. (Unless of course you pray to

As someone with asthma severe enough that I have to wear a HEPA mask to vacuum, I can’t appreciate my Roomba enough. It picks up everything from screws to the fine particles — and my apt is carpeted throughout. It has a filter so the particles aren’t being ejected back into the air. It isn’t necessary to buy the

As someone with asthma severe enough that I have to wear a HEPA mask to vacuum, I can’t appreciate my Roomba enough.

“Asshat" has become my replacement word of choice!

Thanks Old Navy! We gingers need all the help we can get.

Exactly. I am going on 30+ years of devotion to SF&F & gaming as a female fan & player. What seems to me to be new in the last 5 years or so is that the efforts to exclude women from these pursuits just keep reaching new heights.