
Being INSANE WITH FURY might be a small over-reaction. I’m just saying. There are all sorts of fathers, like there are all sorts of mothers: good ones, bad ones, negligent ones, overbearing ones, ones who braid well and ones who don’t. Taking care of kids’ hair is like taking care of their breakfasts, lunches,

For me, Boba Fett will always remain the Boba Fett action figure with the red rocket in his backpack that looked like it would do awesome things if you could JUST GET IT OUT. Nope, welded right in there. Hours and hours of frustrated hopes as a child. Anyway, all other Boba Fetts are just pale shadows...

I think they all look pretty either/or, or both. Thinking is genderqueer!

You sound fun.

I feel like we’re friends now.

Calvin & Hobbes!

Madeleine L’Engle’s books, especially the Wrinkle in Time trilogy.

All the sizing sucks there. Somehow it manages to be random (oh, I’m large? extra-large? medium? huh) and still always make you feel like a freaking heifer.

You make very good points but I’d like to point out that the power of love has many songs devoted to it, all HIGH QUALITY, unlike antigravity, which has NO SONGS.


1) Ok, but what if it’s a really silent but deadly black hole that just sneaks up on you?

You might consider giving him a sidekick, Diego. They could battle their archenemy, Mimi.

I think the whole movie could be shown, provided they digitally replaced Anne Hathaway with Ruth Gordon or John Goodman.

I showed one of my classes a documentary about an Amazonian tribe ... in order to sleep off my hangover.

You mean infohumps. It’s sexposition, the horny cousin of exposition.

I’d like to see the first per paragraphs.

Aw, I thought it was great!

Do you have a better suggestion about how to survive a black hole?

My association: Steely Dan is music my dad listened to while stoned, no irony.

Excellent :)