
Peter Krause?

Damn right.

Phoebe Cates can do no wrong.

So this list is devoted to bad movies that should have more of a cult following, and that’s awesome. But there are some good movies that don’t get the love they deserve, too, like Midnight Run and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Somewhere in the middle of the bad-to-good spectrum in Altman’s Popeye movie.

We read 1984, Animal Farm, Frankenstein, the Illustrated Man, Poe’s stories, and maybe Brave New World in high school. Frankenstein also appeared in a university survey of 19th and 20th century novels (up to late modernism) in English. There was also Orlando, which might qualify for this list.

That’s meaningless without saying what you mean by ‘dated’. Dated because they’re old? People who find beauty in Shakespeare or the Bible would argue about that; people who laugh out loud at Rabelais or Swift might think that the humour isn’t dated. Dated because not relevant or interesting: says you; my 9 year old

On all of Gawker Media, because: wow.


And why are the rest of her books so bad? (ducks)

That actually happens.

What I like about your article (among other things) is that it points out that issues of aesthetic preference are double- and maybe triple-edged swords. Calling for women to consider dating short men is not only oriented towards given these men a chance (or whatever), it is also oriented towards freeing women from

I live in a place with a lot of religious people, and I have to say that it really depends. I know religious people who are essentially agnostic but do all the religious practices, I know deeply religious but also critical and liberal people, and I know crazy people of every persuasion. So even if I don’t really get

I haven’t yet read the article, but had to say that the title made me laugh out loud in a place that I shouldn’t have. I think this is the best title so far.

It depends. We took our 4 year old to a meet-and-greet with Rapunzel and Ariel at Disney. There was a single 40+ guy on line, who was genuinely excited to meet the princesses and have his picture taken with them.

Jennifer Lawrence is never not awesome.


Didn’t see Garden State, for some reason we have the soundtrack in our house. We put it on one day while cleaning and it starts out with Coldplay! Fast fast forward!

Speaking of books and libraries and so on, didn’t there used to be open forums here on Gawker Media somewhere where people would talk about what books they’re reading right now and so on? Because they are the best.

Wait, does that mean you *are* coming for tea?

No, I didn’t mean to imply support for store-bought frosting. I just meant buttercream is gross. Whipped cream is easy and just made of cream and sugar. You can make a ganache by melting chocolate with hot cream.