That's Fucking Clown Shoes

a girl serving her father tea and snacks is “shockingly retorgrade”?? a girl can’t give her father, who raised her and worked his ass off to provide a good life for her some tea and crackers anymore? cause you know its sexist? really??

both can be true at the same time!

That might be Allan Moore’s lamest excuse ever. Wein was wrong for letting him write it? sure. BUT HE WROTE IT.

I betcha I’ve got an exponentially larger practical understanding than you.

Identity politics in comics. Urgh.

I don’t understand the silly notion that ALL female characters in EVERYthing have to be “strong female characters”, whatever the heck that’s supposed to mean. She exists in the story to further the conflict between Batman and the Joker? yes. Because this is a story about the conflict between the Batman and the Joker.

Yeah because only female writers have the “emotional and intellectual tools” to fix this. What a shallow and sexist remark.

Bullshit. Grow the fuck up and stop trying to use words when you don’t know their meaning.

No doubt. Christ, do these special fee-fees realize that people suffer in life as well as triumph?

“they just didn’t have the emotional and intellectual tools that a talented female writer would have...”

I agree me azzarelo should haven’t called the guy a pussy but fuck this entitled “I spent money on your products” bullshit. This is a capitalist society all you did by paying whatever amount of money you paid was contribute to the engine of commerce. You are entitled to the product you paid for an nothing more. Cut it

Unfortunately, that seems to be the way these days. Just look at Marvel and how they’re fucking up their comics by gender-swapping and race-swapping all the characters to make a quick buck from Tumblr cunts.

Why remove all sexual connotation? Are we living in Victorian times? We must be, because the mere thought of sex (*GASP*) is too much for most “adults” to handle these days. The fact that there was some form of sexual humiliation in the Killing Joke probably made Barbara that much stronger. But of course, it’s not

Why does it have to be “feminist”?

you think he regrets an offhand remark he made behind closed doors 30 some odd years ago?

As in, make it more politically correct so millennials won’t get triggered by it?

I’m sure that stupid fan can handle it, he tried to start an argument with his comment, so if he really can’t deal with being called a pussy, then I guess he actually is a pussy.

Just gotta jump in here and say I completely disagree with your views on his Wonder Woman run. It was the best stuff involving Wonder Woman in a long time. I enjoyed it much more than Rucka’s or Simone’s runs.

Says a distasteful thing in their lifetime, obviously a terrible human being and lower than dirt.

I’d always wondered why they never made more out of the Barbara/Bruce attraction angle. Babs has every right to find Bruce fuckable.