That's Fucking Clown Shoes

It's almost as bashing a base and giving them a condescending name doesn't help anyone. I mean look how bad ghostbusters is bombing. You don't convert people by making them defensive wish some of us knew that.

get fucked. I’m a Latino from Australia, who follows progressive politics worldwide. Which you have no clue about. People like you are fake progressives and a cancer.

Any Bernie Bro who saw Mike Pence’s speech and still plans on voting Jill Stein or writing in Bernie is a Goddamn coward.

I really wish the people so ostensibly concerned with saving the republic would stop doing everything possible to offend and piss of members of their own party. A greater percentage of Bernie voters have already ‘said’ (been surveyed) they will support Hillary than Hillary voters ever did in 08. If you actually care

I'm writing in Bernie now, you just convinced me.

This is the exact kind of twisted logic that has lead us to being hamstrung by a 2 party system. Congrats on being part of the problem.

I love the it best when people are shocked that the Republican party has coalesced around Trump, just cuz, then their argument for Hillary is: just cuz.

As hard as I’m working? What am I doing? Or did you just assume because I suggested to stop calling people names that I’m a “Bernie Bro?"

Yeah, if the Republicans win the White House they might nominate Republican justices like Merrick Garland! Oh, wait

Yea keep using stupid names like Bernie Bro. It has worked out so well.

I’m as Bernie Bro as you can get and I will vote Hillary 1000000000% of the way.

So, is your argument that the Left isn’t motivated by Hillary, or that Trump is better at motivating than Hillary? Because if you’re saying that Hillary can’t win without “Bernie Bros,” then maybe you should stop yelling at them and calling them “Bernie Bros.”

every conservative I know is voting for Gary Johnson so I wouldn’t worry too much...

Wow, that was really convincing.

Holy shit you really don’t know how electoral maps work do you?

Pokemon Go doesn’t ask you to go anywhere. You could literally sit in one place and catch Pokemon.

I’m considered white as far as skin color goes but I am Hispanic and most of my family is brown, including my sister. I’m also in my 40's and over six feet tall so I’m going to look awkward and suspicious in a public place too.

You have zero sense of my level of empathy on the subject of racial profiling as I have not

LOL! Racism is an “American” problem.

Yeah, you actually loose a lot of those rights when you scream “I HAVE A LIVE EXPLOSIVE DEVICE.DO NOT APPROACH.” and there are innocent people around. Thus the robot bomb. Its really not that complicated people.

When civilian criminals are using military strategies/guerrilla is perfect for use there.