That's Fucking Clown Shoes

The Left’s debate complaints have nothing to do with believing Bernie would have mopped the floor with Hillary. The debates themselves help establish participants as legitimate candidates, and they give them invaluable (and equal) exposure to the voters who are less familiar with them. We can certainly agree that

There was never supposed to be another challenger in the Democratic primary. Hillary was their chosen one many years ago for 2016, and if Sanders hadn’t come out of nowhere (not unlike the way Trump did, by the way), the primary would have been Hillary, Webb, O’Malley, and whathisface with the frog puppets from Rhode

Because the Southern Black vote is not progressive, and favored the DNC establishment that Sanders and supporters wanted to put out to pasture

The DNC pushing people out of the race helped Sanders, not Clinton. If Warren or Tom Perez is in the field his vote is split, hers is barely dented, and she still walks to the nom.

And yet I’m sure you’re happy to accept the Russian hacking story, which has the exact same level of proof. You know, because...reasons.

the intresting piece would be asking the Obama voters who didnt vote this time why they didnt vote, etc., because Trump got the same voters Romney did/Republicans for the most part

That’s fair and I partially agree. I don’t think the primary was rigged, but I certainly think the movers in the party had decided on Clinton this go-around long before they had decided on anybody in 2008 (which is understandable! He wasn’t even really a Democrat) and that certainly didn’t helping Sanders’ cause.

Thousands, if not millions did this, though. Their first pick was Bernie and their second was Trump. And it actually WAS an ideological issue for many of them. The ideology being that they wanted massive change in DC. So they went to the perceived engine of change closest to their core beliefs, followed by the

Every vote for Hillary in the primary was a vote for Trump.

Because Hillary Clinton personally kicked in Bernie Sanders’s teeth in the primary, winning by 4 million votes.

Weird how our nation’s wonk polling nerds showed Sanders doing much better in a head-to-head matchup with Trump than HRC, and we’re STILL hearing how much more electable she was, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Campaigning in a primary isn’t like the general, though. You’re not there to campaign in states you think you’re going to win in the general, you (should) try and win the available delegates where they are. This was a large region of the country that he had initially thought he could do well in (Sanders actually had

Or they are simply “blow up the system” populists. If you are against the current system, being anti-Hillary is pretty easy. I didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton - third party for me - but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see why Trump would be favored by a subset of Warren/Sanders supporters.

Yeah, that’s what the polls said. How about them polls.

Political pros who forgot to send her to Wisconsin.

In Africa They Call Her Sister Hillary

Take out California and its practically a dead-heat.

Maybe if more candidates hadn’t been strong armed to the side before it even got started. Maybe if an actual visible debate schedule had been created. Maybe if all the major donors hadn’t been funneled towards the favored candidate.

But that’s not really a good enough explanation for why she lost. I mean, by every measure taken, Trump was the only Presidential candidate even more unpopular than HRC was, yet he still won.

You don’t seem to understand how a Constitutional Republic works. In the United States, the President is not chosen democratically. This is a good thing.