uhhhh.... that chick in the bathroom was a black toilet attendant that Cheryl called a “Caribbean jigaboo” and a “fucking black bitch.” That’s why we talked shit about it.
uhhhh.... that chick in the bathroom was a black toilet attendant that Cheryl called a “Caribbean jigaboo” and a “fucking black bitch.” That’s why we talked shit about it.
There’s quite a lot more to it than Dylan’s word alone.
I’m in my early 20s and I know it is wrong to fuck a married man. I don’t think she is a bad person for what she did because people, regardless of their age, make mistakes, but being in your early 20s doesn’t automatically give you a get out of jail free card for doing something ethically wrong.
That isn’t slut shaming. That’s fucking a married person shaming, which is a shitty thing to do regardless of your gender. It is quite relevant because Stewart apparently only empathizes with people she can “personalize,” whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean, something akin to “know” I suppose.
There’s no excuse for cheating under any circumstances. It is completely unacceptable and I would never forgive anybody for cheating on me, even if it only happened one time. The amount of people in these comments that are defending cheating is absolutely deplorable.
If your partner already fears the worst, fess up. You’ll cause them way more psychological anguish by denying that it happened. There’s nothing more tormenting that knowing something in your gut, but having your lover repeatedly deny it.
Same. I’ll put up with a lot of crap in relationships but the one thing I will not tolerate is cheating. I don’t care if it’ll “never happen again” (suuuuuure), or if it was just a “drunken mistake”, or if he wants to stay together (he wants to have his cake and eat it too). If you cheat on me I’m done with you.
So..... you’re a piece of shit? That’s what it sounds like you just said.
As an adult, it doesn’t matter if your mental is less than sharp(I.E.: Drunk, high). You are responsible for your actions. You don’t see people getting off on Murder just because they happened to be tipsy. Same applies here.
When to tell your partner you’ve cheated:
“Ultimately, you’re the only person who can decide what feels right for your relationship.”
Uhm no. Your SO also can decide what feels right in the relationship, and if I’m your SO and you cheated on me, I would like to know if you cheated. Even if it was a one time thing and you feel guilty and it will never happen…
Secret-keeping proponents counter that confessing only serves to lessen your guilt by putting the weight on your partner’s shoulders—it’s selfish in a different kind of way.
University students are adults. It’s inappropriate to report a crime of such a sensitive nature as Rape without the person’s permission. That is victimizing the student again.
“Ultimately, you’re the only person who can decide what feels right for your relationship.”
It’s about control. The criminal justice system can be re-victimizing and wholly unfair. It’s all about the accused’s rights; Title IX is about equity. The Title IX process uses the preponderance of the evidence standard, rather than reasonable doubt. It allows a victim to get justice without going through the…
I am so, so sorry you went through that. Hugs and healing to you and your family.
Sometimes the student victim will not go to the police, no matter what advisors tell her. Even if the victim does go to the police, it’s often a long drawn-out process. Student judicial proceedings can help temporarily suspend the accused, in some cases, or assure that the accused is no longer living in her dorm or in…
I’m sorry. Watching my friends struggle with infertility has been heartbreaking. Hugs.
Based on the actions of the ASCA member who supposedly oversees the student conduct office at my university, I am not at all surprised. No, wait, I am, only in that he hasn’t been so accused yet. He does things like allow for rapists to finish out semesters before beginning their suspensions. This may seem reasonable…