Exactly. It didn’t even look like she was crying all that hard; just got kind of teary.
Exactly. It didn’t even look like she was crying all that hard; just got kind of teary.
No, she said that she didn’t want to die yet because she had more to do, ie kids. Far be it for her to decide that for herself she might want to be anything in this life other than a boxer. I’m also betting there are a line of independent, strong, confident women who also happen to be mothers that might take issue…
I don’t understand why you think that male artists misogynisticly dragging female artists in order to promote themselves at a woman’s expense is okay just because it’s common. No one here is arguing that it’s more wrong because Kanye is doing it. The argument is simply that it’s wrong.
You don’t understand how it’s misogynistic to say you made a female artist and talk about whehter or not you’d fuck her?
If they win gold, it’s gilt by association.
Don’t forget him picking on a disabled audience member in Australia. Even just the fact he INSISTS everyone be on their feet before he begins. Getting them on their feet is kind of the performer’s job, Kanye, through your performance
Yeah, I get you. I agree that she’s definitely not like, a feminist icon or a brilliant feminist thinker, or anything. She’s like the Target of music. But as far as reactions to a guy saying some gross shit about you in an album go, I just don’t see why this is being judged as “insufferable,” and why Kanye’s misogyny…
I just wish that we didn’t perceive feminism as a performance and that it wasn’t a thing we scrutinized female celebrities and famous women generally for performing or not performing correctly. Because it becomes yet another standard that women are held to that men are not. It’s tiring. Why can’t feminism just be a…
Yeah, I really don’t get the snotty attitude towards Taylor on this one. She was famous - very famous - before Kanye ever grabbed the microphone from her.
Fucking good for her. I'd be pissed if some egomaniacal dude was trying to take credit for my massive success too. This is the most I've ever liked Taylor Swift.
These standards ARE applied in the real world. Most businesses - even small ones - have codes of conduct that are established in the employee handbook that, after an employee signs it, that employee is bound by that code of conduct. Some companies can even fire you for what you post on Facebook if it’s considered a…
These standards DO apply to adults in the real world. If I made a racist remark to someone at work, I would lose my job. If we want to treat college students like adults, then they to need to understand that even legal actions can have unfavorable consequences.
We once had a demonstration from a vitamin company at work (relevant to our business, though it sounds super weird lol), and they gave us samples of their gummy vitamins to try. Every tastes them, everyone likes them. One presenter asks the other presenter which bottle he used, so she knew which other one to let us…
When I was younger, my mother used to tell me not to take medicine I didn’t need because it would cause the symptoms it was supposed to get rid of (her way of boogie-monstering any inclination to experiment with drugs out of me, I guess). I don’t know if other people were taught the same, but I did once have to…
That’s EXACTLY how my boss made fun of him afterwards.
Well, he deserved his misery then. If Tylenol, caffeine, and antihistamine are a “woman” thing, then I hope you all pressured the shit out of him to never consume any of those for fear of sprouting breasts.
I once had a colleague refuse a Midol-despite having a massive headache. His reasoning? “That’s a *woman* thing.”
The bill also calls for making adult incontinence products and children’s diapers tax-free. She had hoped that broadening her plan beyond feminine hygiene would get it more support, because all are medically necessary.
Bernie pretends to enjoy ice cream: AWWW, WHAT A GREAT GUY.