
A curious thing for me personally is how I can theoretically agree with a lot of what Sarandon is saying while somehow also vehemently disagreeing with her to the point of audibly and repeatedly muttering “Come the fuck on, Susan” at my computer screen and staging imaginary arguments with her in my bathroom mirror.

Damn it, that attitude is fucking dangerous. Hillary is not safe. She has not been elected. The polls are uncomfortably close, and encouraging people to pull this morally pure shit plays right into Donald’s teeny hands.

If you’re a Sanders supporter, and he is a Clinton supporter, shouldn’t you currently be supporting the excutive branch candidate that he thinks will best help him accomplish his legislative branch goals?


Nicki literally hates him. I’m being hyperbolic but she’s curved him enough times and kinda dissed him in that ariana grande song.

Well, there goes Taylor’s white supremacist fan base & their dream of a thousand year Trump-Swift Reich. SMH.

No. Drake should be with Nicki Minaj.

In many ways the explosion of mental illness is directly related to the disintegration of civic society. Part of that is directly related to technology, specifically monetized engineered “social” networks taking the place of traditional social networks and participation in civic commons. If live human social networks

the shorter she is, the more intimidating i find her tbh

Who wore it better: Me or Rachel McAdams?

We can still act holier than thou.

Fucking good. She should resign. It’s appalling that she leaked the questions from CNN, or that she even got them in the first place. And setting aside how stupid it was to leak things in general, she should at least have had the damn tradecraft to do it over the phone and not in a fucking email. And also, apparently

GODDAMMIT. These WikiLeaks emails are making it REALLY HARD for me to continue to act holier than thou around my republican acquaintances. Get your shit together, democrats!

but Corey Lewandowski is still on the payroll.

As a man I can say that I have done Middle School. It was the first step I took beyond pulling the hair of the girls that I liked.

Self absorbent guys arent all bad. You can use them to clean wine spills.

Like he grabbed my hand and took my ring and put it on his finger for two hours.

I feel like it’s the White House IT department that should be investigated, not Clinton.

There is nothing mysterious about it. Set up your email on a computer with any of the mail programs on defaul settings it starts syncing everything on the server not just the unread messages.