
There is a fantastic book about how fucked up Bikram yoga (and bikram the man) is called Hell Bent. The author reported from a teacher training and even went so far as to join their backbending club.

They would have anyway

Too late, jerks, I already voted.

So when she wins, repubs will instantly call for an impeachment?


Can you be more specific? How is it “more than a little racist”? Where’s the “bigotry”? I’m genuinely curious.

Now playing

That’s why this outrage is silly at this point. Anne Frank comparisons, 50-11,think pieces. . . SMH. Everyone involved got what they wanted, buzz, headlines, and web traffic/streams. LOL at people fuming at this more than Beyoncé herself. It’s like being mad at Weird Al Yankovic for making “Amish Paradise.”

This is the hometown of your very own weekend editor. Just thought you’d all like to know.

I don’t understand this line of thinking. So should we be back to segregation? It seems easier to deal with black only issues...leave blacks alone type of mentality here. I am black and not interested in this at all.

So white people cannot (or should not) be inspired by black music? So are re-segregating? Interesting view point

Exactly. But let’s not forget that this site has a tendency to throw white women under the bus much faster than black women. Azealia Banks had to literally threaten to stab someone with a broken bottle before (most of) this site finally turned on her. Her constant use of the word “faggot,” blatant anti-Semitism, etc—

I was a relatively early fan of Schumer but girlfriend is not holding up to the scrutiny of fame. Own your shit or step away. This is embarrassing.

This is like some weird version of Republican “don’t spit on/burn or otherwise disgrace the flag” patriotism. Simply saying “I’m outraged” isn’t an argument against something. Give a fucking reason, people.

Sorry, but her racism can’t go unnoticed. Try being part of the solution for once.

This isn’t the first time she’s done something racist.

I am part of the solution by not expecting people (especially women) to be perfect at all times. I am part of the solution by giving people the benefit of the doubt that they are willing to grow if we don’t attack them and tear them down because, god forbid, they didn’t read articles after liking a song. WE ARE

Man, you really have to dig to find this a problem. There’s almost nothing going on in this, at all. It’s incredibly banal. It’s like a celebrity selfie.

If Schumer truly believes that “Lemonade” is “one of the greatest pieces of art of our time,” you’d think that she would’ve read some of the wonderful work that came out after its release. Had she done so, she would’ve understood why this tribute rubbed so many people the wrong way.

You win the racism card bonus for this post. Congratulations?

Personally, I watch a lot of Colbert! I just catch his stuff on YouTube (as I wager many do in his demo, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to Nielsen ratings). I think there’s room for more than one late show!