I’ve seen variations of:
I’ve seen variations of:
Wtf? Are there really grown men going around grabbing women’s crotches? Is this a thing people really do?
Billy Bush is a prime example of a silk stocking filled with shit.
As a 26-year-old woman, I have to say I have very rarely had success dating men even my own age, let alone younger. I do think that for the duration of one’s 20s, men really truly do mature more slowly than women do - not because of some inherent difference, of course, but because they often aren’t expected/required…
“There is a particular pain that black women feel that I don’t think black men understand and it’s a pain that comes from feeling like we do a lot of labor that we are not emotionally compensated for, or publicly compensated for or appreciated for.”
All Shoulders Matter.
Also, got lots of people who worked with us to help get Afghanistan stabilized killed when the list of “collaborators” was made public. What she did was not in any way harmless. Lives were literally lost because of the information she released. Her information was VERY different than the Edward Snowden information.
You can get solitary confinement for attempting suicide because solitary confinement comes with more strict controls on the contents of your cell and how often your jailers physically lay eyes on you. All of which equals a safer, although not more pleasant, environment for the inmate. It’s not just “Lock her in the…
#overlypedantic but that photo is not the “barracks at Fort Leavenworth,” that is the gate to get onto Fort Leavenworth the base, not even the gate to “Fort Leavenworth the prison.”
Senior Week never really ended.
If (and I place heavy emphasis on “if”) you’re going to go the pumpkin spice route, then I suggest the superior Dunkin Donuts version. It’s actually spicy, as compared to the Starbucks version, which tastes like a Juicy Fruit milkshake.
Pumpkin beer over pumpkin latte any day.
Yeah, I’m around my husband’s friends a lot, and they talk about women all the damn time. Her take in that part seems a little stereotypical.
That’s not even the same cat!!
I’m not proud to admit it but when I heard Parker’s “I have nothing to apologize for.” I got so pissed at Union. Then I got pissed at Parker & co for trotting out the black woman to attempt to clean up the mess he made.
straight from the go jezebel
i miss the old jezebel