That One Guy Greg

I didn’t even see the “Slippers” on the first read-through, and now I’m laughing all over again. This is the gift that keeps on giving.

Yep, me too.

I’m starring this, but I feel dirty for doing so.

I’m surprised this didn’t show up in an early Gran Turismo game to tip us off to its existence. Or maybe it did and I wasn’t paying attention.

[audible laughter]

The S4 in Pacific Blue-on-tan is about as sexy as a car has ever been, AFAIC.

The very first sentence in the description is: “If you’re reading this you likely understand what you are getting here,” which is basically the same thing.

Niche vehicle + niche-ier mods + Portland = a price more jacked up than the van will inevitably be after you buy it.

“His boxer engines are proficient in eight other martial arts.”

“I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon”

Count me in too. Never visited Japan, but my girlfriend lived there for a couple years - I want an excuse to go, and she wants an excuse to go back. This would count towards both of the above.

New America does not tolerate or condone the use of racist language or racist conduct of any kind.

Maybe change the sweatshirt, though.

I voted CP but man, this is a close one. 125k really isn’t that long in the tooth for this engine, but slammed/stanced virtually guarantees that those were hard miles and you never know how long it’s got left.

“Them ain’t 20s, but it’s off the hook.”

I’m getting a Mustang vibe from the rear view thanks to that blackout panel, but that’s not a bad thing. Attractive car overall.

Eddie Izzard would be impressed.

The judge was a Fairlady, though.

The flabbier the sack (wow, what a visual), the more worthless crap it fits.

No reason not to support someone if they want to be a furry. Why get all in a dander about it?