That One Guy Greg

The first GTA had the original Beetle and also the VW Bus. The latter was painfully slow (realistic, I suppose) and you always found one when you needed to make a quick getaway and would rather drive literally anything else. Hell, the school bus was preferable to that thing.

I can relate. Played for my high school and once, in a moment of 16-year-old hubris while we were chasing a big target, charged an opposing bowler whose arm was a lot quicker than I thought it was. Came down the wicket too early, he changed his length and dropped it in short. Pow. I was wearing a box (or a “Hector” as

Unless something changed while I wasn’t paying attention, few (if any) players get mic’d up themselves, but there is a mic inside middle stump, directly behind the batsman, which picks up everything.

My heart is set on it being Brantley.

But I wanna be the guy too!

Only because they won’t pony up for a better special teams coach.

“Square up.”

“...and that something was Republican Sen. Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, which rhymes.”

Others have alluded to this, but let me be the latest: Username checks the fuck out.

Because headlines get capitalized and it’s therefore easy to mistake “Florida Man” for the fabled Florida Man.

There’s an Aussie band I used to listen to a lot as a teenager called Even that I don’t remember searching online for at the time but probably would have been a struggle.

Avatar checks out.

To me, an Aussie living in the States, it always amuses me to read “mate” in friends’ social media comments because I invariably read it in a terrible mockery of an accent that is neither Australian nor Midwestern and somehow worse than both. But if you can pull it off, go for it.

There was a footballer from Nice,
Who stole an expensive timepiece,
His teammate, the Dane,
Had a cause to complain,
And his thievery got him released.

‘Stros fan here too and I’m not sleeping on these teams either, especially the Rays if they advance. Seeing CFM on the hill for the other guys won’t be easy.

I left an Astros fan group on Facebook shortly after the team announced they were extending the nets, only to have everyone - I mean literally every single damn comment - complaining that it was taking away sight lines and ruining the game experience, blaming da yoots for being on their phones instead of watching the

I will not be surprised when they show their true fascist agenda by pushing MLS to ban those they disagree with...

Same reason I chuckled at the obviousness of it being Cameron, who is also (allegedly) still an active player.

Cameron’s been on this schtick for years, regurgitating right wing talking points ad nauseum.
