It fucking annoys me that the move is known as that now and not the Diamond Cutter.
It fucking annoys me that the move is known as that now and not the Diamond Cutter.
Jesus guys, at least try to give the illusion that you give a shit about the Pro Bowl.
Genunely curious, have you ever had some idiotic asshole reply to you with something like “Here’s a fact, wrestling’s fake"?
Hey everybody, it’s white trash who irrationally hates criticism of an upper class which he’ll never, ever join.
“Is it because the owners are such assholes that...”
Oh yeah, just a reminder: We’re in a fucking election year.
They have millions and millions of dollars at stake.
Don’t worry, I’m sure that the libertarians of the world will tell you that the Shield will provide the players with the best possible care, because its allegedly in their interest to do so*.
Well, during the KC-Cleveland game, he showed that he was very mobile if the other defense had half of its starters in the training room, yeah.
Man who happens to be former NFL player makes cogent comment. Gets unfairly slammed for current job prospect by one Fred Merkle, who almost certainly works as a gas station attendant.
We get it; you’re a piece of shit. You don’t need to advertise via posts anymore.
He got 18 tackles. Whoopty-fucking-do.
MeDrewNotYou is just kidding, Mumbley-Peg. Truth be told, the world doesn’t need you at all.
Because Deaspin loves hot takez that criticize Kobe Bryant and MLS to the point of ruthlessness, regardless of if its warranted at the time or not.
I can give the literal worst two examples of soccer too.
What a shock. His name is Steve.
Me too, but I just read in your comment history where you were old enough to vividly remember the Challenger disaster.
Cue the “HURR DURR He’s old!” douche takez.....
And before you think I’m totally, Clark Hunt never had to work for a fucking dollar in his life either...and for that matter, neither did Lamar.