
my friends and i were just talking about this the other night - it started as we were cruising around in a helicopter and were commenting on just how much was going on around us, below us, all around was staggering - so we just started walking around the streets in a group noticing all the amazing little

You mean that's not just another Tuesday night for anyone else...shit...I need to rethink some life choices.....

Or there could be responsible parents that pay attention to what their kid is doing as opposed to letting them lock themselves in a room all day playing a game....

should have at least slapped her with the turkey....

I'm guessing that if it wasn't for The Big Bang Theory you'd have no clue what Schrödinger's cat was.....

My theory....not the same universe....simply lazy developers/writers re-hashing previous thoughts/work/ideas through different games.....

Watching that quick scoping was enough to make me not want to buy COD.....

I've tried dozens of times now...the Xbox animation seems to be faster and I just keep getting on my sparrow while it says I'm dancing at the bottom :(

I'm glad I could entertain

He's like a soda hipster....trying to force uncool ideas on the masses as cool...then complaining when everyone else adopts those ideas as cool.....damn soda hipsters....

Well....I was eating lunch while reading this.....after the pics I'm not really hungry anymore and may have thrown up in my mouth a little bit......(fair note...I am incredibly hungover....)

*left hand side had not one single person....

I literally just left a musical and when leaving, the right hand side was completely packed all the way down the isles to the stage, the left hand side had not my new single person waiting.... (Left hand side when turning around and leaving the theather....)...I was shocked at how there was no one there

Remember when you used to buy a game and that's all there was...? I kinda miss the old, non-dlc cartridge days...bugs and glitches and all. I feel there used to be less bugs since there was no option for a post release game update...developers are lazy now with the "I can do that later and release 1/2 a game now"

Sooo...the same as EVERY other big AAA release in the last 2 years..... On every syatem....surprise surprise.....

But my question is, how many other games could also fill all of those same similatities? (Ok...except maybe the soccer....)

Yup, you're clearly a better person than us - thanks for spending time with the peasants around you....

as someone who works for a competing classified website, I cannot recommend your post enough. My suggestion is always to meet in front of/at the local police station as an alternative. ALWAYS bring a friend.....Being cautious is always worth it. There's way more fraud and terrible things that are never reported in

as someone who works for a classified website....things like this actually happen WAY more often than you'd your life in fear vs having some basic general logic for your safety are 2 very different things..... Hope you're not married with kids who could also be a target should anyone ever decide to

as someone who works for a competing (and better!!) classified website, who's job is dealing with fraud loss.... Your best place to meet is out front your local police station, with a friend, during the day. Another good spot is a food court or mall or grocery store or somewhere similar, well lit, non-isolated