
"If you harass cookie-selling Girl Scouts, you are probably puppy-kicking terrible." - there's something wrong with being either of those things?? Damn, I've got some life choices and changes to make....

i guess being hot never stops you from being a sore-loosing bitch.....

if people really complain about this - I advise you to go watch "the swan" - then tell me that this woman (only) loosing a ton of weight is one of the more shocking things you've seen.....

and look into how many of "the swan" contestants now have some serious issues after the show (divorce, depression, weight gain

and you expect that all women that say they're on birth control to be telling the truth??? I can tell you from first hand experience and an unexpected surprise that women can, do and will lie about being on birth control....why...I have no clue....but (some of) them will.....

still looks better than the Bronco's did.......

exactly - yes....if you have a combination of "tools" that happen to be/could be related to burglary, you can get charged...

same as how crack heads get busted for having brillo pads and pens.....

what you fail to realize is that we like that......

glad the unlimited internet just kicked in - what a fantastic list.

I'm just testing the test....i hope it works....

Hello Jerry - nice to see you on here