
My husband is from St. Louis and each time we go there the entire experience is so bothersome. The city and suburbs are extremely segregated, the white people are nice enough but do not engage them on any topics at all below the surface- they are mostly all sorta racist all lives matter types. It seems like a city

It’s not really a narrative. Don’t even make it about McCain just make it about the Senate rules. If they decide to make something only need 51 votes they can only vote on it once a fiscal year. If they had not debated on it they would have had multiple opportunities to bring it back for another vote. Including at a

If he had voted no the other day the Repubs could have kept trying to ram a repeal through, and they would have known to wait for him to be medically unavailable. But by voting yes to allow the debate the Repubs can not attempt to pass a repeal without getting 60 votes this fiscal year. The way our outdated

He had to vote yes the other day. If he hadn’t the Republicans could have come back with another repeal vote- possibly done when he would be too sick to vote. But by allowing the debate and then voting it down he effectively killed it for this fiscal year. If the repubs want to do it again this fiscal year they would

If he had voted no on Tuesday then the Republicans could have come back with another plan. But because they decided to go with only needing 51 votes to pass they could only bring this up this time to vote. If they want to again it will need 60 votes to pass. So in order to fully kill it for this fiscal year McCain had

At this point it will be news if a cop is punished for murdering or assaulting a black citizen. This is why people don’t trust cops or the justice system, this shit right here.

Wow what an evil comment. Kim was told it was not safe for her (OR HER FUTURE BABY) to get pregnant again. Maybe she didn’t want to leave her children motherless. She also had a lot of trouble getting pregnant with her second baby, which is how & why they have a couple of fertilized embryos with which to hire a

I’m so sorry about your friend. I hope the episode wasn’t too hard on you and that it does eventually lead to the truth coming out.

I loved this show. I couldn’t walk away from it and binged the entire season in one sitting. It had me laughing and crying. The depiction of black female friendship was on point in this series. I felt like I was back in college - every detail was perfect.

Rhode Island is amazing. Newport is on the water and beautiful but it’s not the beach, it’s an island in the eastern part of the state. The beach is Narragansett, Charleston, Westerly. There’s also Block Island which is a popular summer destination and part of Rhode Island, and a ferry destination like Nantucket and

Jack is at every big game the Patriots ever play in. Both Brady and Gisele post frequent pictures of all three kids but do a good job of having their faces not be the focus of most (not all) of the photos. Jack is not in as many pictures as his younger half siblings, but that’s because his parents share custody with

This world. My lifelong best friend battled Crohn’s for fifteen years. Two years ago it killed her. At the age of 35. Her 60 year old mother had to bury her 35 year old daughter because she was afraid smoking marijuana would cost her the job that paid for her health insurance. That is the world we live in, where

He is that good of a tight end. Being an athletic freak of nature with Brady throwing to him helps obviously, but he makes catches that a lot of WRs couldn’t make. He is also fast and strong enough that if he catches it and isn’t tackled immediately there is a real possibility of a touchdown, because he will win the

This is gross. It is yet another way to control women’s bodies. That it was done in front of her crying daughter, who will now grow up thinking this is what men do to women, just hammers home how disgusting this was. It’s also hypocritcial- we will free the women by outlawing what they have freely chosen to wear.

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not, but that’s a site for hookups.

You read an awful lot into two words “support Brady”. You have no idea what I think or believe, other than general support. But I guess keep guessing because your wild inaccuracies are hilarious. I guess this is the part where you mansplain football to me. Goody.

I hate MRAs but support Brady.

Thank you for saying this BTW. I will never understand why the GOP doesn’t go moderate. My husband was raised by Republicans, he is independent and tends to vote liberal, but after the 2008 election was emailed a party endorsed survey asking for advice on what people thought would improve the party and help it to win

As long as they stay wild.

I feel like everything he touches eventually goes bankrupt. He’s rich because his daddy was rich.