
Actually, hospital administrators are so craven these days that I’m betting they’ll do both: first side with the nurse who tried to save “a baby”, and then can her ass in a heartbeat for PR purposes when the heat from this gets too hot.

I just found this incident absolutely sickening. And that nurse should be sacked. No ifs, no buts.

Justin has never taken the high road in his life. He is trash and he will remain trash. And his so-called stable home life includes constantly cheating in his wife.

What I don’t understand is why Timberlake felt the need to say anything. Britney said some stuff about him in the book which, fine. It’s a memoir, that was a part of her life. While he doesn’t look like a fucking prince in the book, I think a good portion of people can rationalize it as two messy kids being messy and

Don’t forget self-back-patter. He’s so proud of himself for showing male vulnerability with his new song.

It’s not just women. Justin’s an equal opportunity low-roader. He made fun of Prince’s height as well. 

Just gonna post the same comment I made at Pajiba about this:

He has never taken the high road though. Not with Janet, not with Britney. He’s addicted to the low road, at least as it pertains to women - which is par for the course for men in our society in general. 

Britney is no longer under conservatorship. Everyone, including Justin, knows that, even without conservatorship, she has mental health issues.

I’d say report the nurse to the state board and move to have her license permanently suspended/revoked, but it’s Ohio so the board would probably just give her an award instead. 

Same. How many actual crimes do you think got committed out there while they were presumably digging through this poor miscarrying woman’s septic tank?

Holy fuck!

That was part of the story that I did NOT understand (beyond the total disregard for patient confidentiality). How on earth is that retrievable when presumably, the same toilet had been used multiple times since? I wish police had that level of hustle for important issues.

How in the hell can this nurse have made that determination? She didn’t want to look at the foetal remains? Most women would not want to look after a miscarriage. She was in a position of trust, she told her patient that everything would be okay and then went behind her back and reported her to the police, as though

Not to say that we haven’t always done these things in various ways but I keep thinking of that cottage industry of weird fucking losers who sat through the Depp/Heard trial generating endless “content” analyzing Heard’s facial expressions to wrest some sense of how truthful she must or must not be. Now we get to see

It seems important to emphasize that you shouldn’t have to be publicly excited about your pregnancy to not be criminalized for a miscarriage, nor should you be regarded as criminally suspect based on your reaction to your miscarriage.

Watts miscarried in late September while using the restroom in her home, then flushed the fetal remains down her toilet. The nurse called the police when she came to the hospital bleeding and said she was no longer pregnant. This prompted police to visit Watts’ house days later, recover the fetal remains,

How much do you think the hospital’s liability insurance is about to go up because a nurse couldn’t keep her mouth shut?

Now, I hate usually hate doxxing...fucking HATE that we live in a world where you say or do something (usually dumb rather than malicious) and end up with the internet piling in on you. But since it happens anyway and we can’t stop it, god damn it, let’s have the name of that nurse!