
Archaic is seriously the best word possible to describe beauty pageants.

I really hope the polls are wildly inaccurate. I also really hope that other candidates refuse to even debate him. It would be entertaining to watch him lose a debate but pointless because he just spews garbage.

Take that Trump. I always love when people think they speak for everyone and then get figuratively slapped back into reality.

Scott Walker should stop talking.

Haha! Perfect gif is perfect. Sadly Whoopi still supports him.

You are correct. It is horrifying and sadly true. I wonder how their kids feel.

Not to be dramatic, but you should have called the police, or at a minimum taken him to small claims court. He hired you to perform a service, he never told you not to paint her nails and then refused to pay you. Hell to the no. If that happened to me and I hadn’t pursued my money, my parents would have for me (I’m