That Laurel Canyon Sound

Dawes Mentions:
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Classic Wingers:
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That should work in his favor. When Herzog shoots him the rabbit paramedics will be able to get him into their tiny ambulance, and rush him to the ICU.

My PAC, Citizens Campaign For A Laurel Canyon Future, will commit $100 million towards your election.

shit I didn't notice it was moved to Tuedsay

Isn't that what the AV  Club said about the pilot?

I like the show House because I suffer from the autoimmune
disease Lupus… I mean Hodgkin’s Lymphoma… I mean statistically improbable environmental
poisoning… I mean Mastocytosis . You like House because of that Dub-Step stuff
you kids listen to.

Steven and the Hydens namedrop Dawes in most of their songs, why weren't they on the list?

My favorite was the one where the protagonist is trapped in a parallel universe, where the music of Dawes was never recorded. That episode gave me nightmares for weeks.

At the end it turns out the aliens came to earth…to cause random explosions.

"Oh you can't throw something out there without watching it fall Only thing that's scarier than dying is not dying at all So when I have lost all my control God will rest my soul"
Dawes: North Hills Gospel: 1:6

Repent ye sinners! Embrace the teachings of Dawes, for they are the only true way to salvation.

My dog wont shut up about President Obama, being a socialist.

Does the dog blog about Dawes?

@avclub-ee10aa55e9d1a0854c42ea566ff532ce:disqusYou can't do that, Dawes has equipped Jackson Browne's +7 Guitar of Laurel Canyon, giving all their attacks and melodies a d100.

Dawes is coming to my town next month with Blitzen Trapper. Is that worth going to? Keep in mind that i only like music with loud guitars and yelling. Also I'm seeing Electric Six that week so I probably cant afford to drop $50 on Dawes. And who exactly goes to a Dawes show? Will there be hot laurel canyon chicks?

Yeah it just feel great to say DAWES, if he told us to like some indie band with 5 words in the name, the meme would have died quickly. Also the video on that article was like a documentary about Dawes with an AV Club logo at the end.

How dare you imply that Dawes isn't good. Have you even listened to it? I haven't but, I will always be able to imagine that its so good that my brain would explode upon hearing it.

The AV Club have developed a machine that can predict the future. However, instead of using it to prevent terrorist attacks they are currently using it to predict what terrible pop songs people will be listening to 24 hours from now.

I wear a tactical turtleneck and bang hookers because I'm an ISIS field agent…You do it because of Archers of Loaf.