That Laurel Canyon Sound

Jackson Browne is the only musician known to have survived performing alongside Dawes. TMBG would be over powered by Dawes's peaceful easy Laurel Canyon vibes. They would most likely quit music and vanish, only to be found years later dead from a heroin overdose, or stabbed to death in a Bangladeshi prison.

After six season's, a movie, and Lisa's next visit to the orthodontist. Also it will get B+ since the AV Club could never give themselves a bad grade.

Someone said it in a later thread, but I feel there should be a Dawes shout-out in the first thread.

But how are the 2 connected, do they:
1. Have sex then kill Bush, because he forbid them from having sex, or they just flat out don't like him.

I don't know! Now that it's been axed, I'll probably go to my grave wondering how you could logically work those two things into the same plot.

"The Bourne (Sense of) Superiority"

Not in the alternate timeline, where soldiers are still having hard R gay sex to murder  President Bush.

Yes, Jacob told Ben he would be murdered. Jesus tried to save him, but Heisenberg slipped Lily of the Valley in his soda, and he couldn't save him in time.

This episode was also stupid and contagious.

Die Antwoord could very well mean Dawes in Dutch. The Romans called them Deus, the French call them Le Meilleur Groupe Musical du Monde, in German they are Das Daweswerk!, and as  to the ancient Babylonians.

No Jason Dawes is the mysterious gunslinger featured in the upcoming western 'High Noon at Laurel Canyon'

Can they at least put the screenplay online? You can't just say its about 'a gay romance between an American and Iraqi soldier and how it led to the assassination of President Bush.", then never let us know how that happens.

I'm apparently from Cardiff, cause I'm sure I'd end up in terrible place like that…what with its indecipherable accents, intergalactic crime, embarrassing dialogue, and tortured plotting.

Frightened Dawes?

I would have preferred Metal Machine Music to this.

Well it was just a guess, plus no one watches their shows, so they probably can't take the ratings hit baseball will bring.

Also it goes until someone wins (did I just blow your mind?), so it might last until next Thursday.

Cause there's this thing with dudes hitting tiny leather balls with sticks, to determine who's the best in the world at hitting balls with sticks.

"Well how I curse that western skyline….
And yet I thanked it for my start…
Oh Lou, no my dreams did not come true…
No, they only came apart…"

In addition to horror and fear, will the album also contain anger, pain and aggression?