That Laurel Canyon Sound

The music of Dawes bring great joy and prosperity to glorious mother country.

You only like tits because of Coldplay!

and Mario Lopez will show up at the internet's house with a bunch of Fox execs

I'm sorry to hear that. On the bright side, getting strangled will earn you plenty of hipster cred.

no one living…..

What Hyden giveth, Hyden can also taketh away

I remember the lyrics to every Dawes song. I also have murdered several critics who gave unsatisfactory grades to Nothing Is Wrong. There's a premise for a show somewhere in there.

I can't believe Pitchfork hasnt reviewed the Dawes album yet. Sure I threatened to murder their families if they gave it less than an 8.7, but that doesn't explain the 3 month delay.

no, seriously this is really really good so far.

I love the new Dum Dum Girls album, and here's why you should too!

I really enjoyed the newest alterations. Especially the part where Dawes is playing in Mos Eisley cantina, instead of those dumb aliens.

As good as Nothing Is Wrong and Kat Denning's boobs. I'm downloading it as we speak.

Y Kant Tori be as good as Dawes?

This show is boring shit that my grandmother watches, but I'm really really happy that Nathan Fillion has finally found such steady employment. Shit 4 seasons without cancellation, good for him.

true I was watching the new 2.5 men with the sound off, and i wanted to shoot myself.

I'm currently watching the pilot. It's godawful…but oh the cleavage.


I refuse to attend any festival that Dawes isn't headlining

Fact: even the deaf enjoy the music of Dawes. Simply reading their lyrics in braille will restore all their senses.

Q: What do you call someone who enjoys the music of Dawes?
A: Someone with unimpeachable musical tastes.