That Lamer

Good thing your bosses have never touched a videogame or they’d know this was basically just the tutorial that’s already in the game.

this is kind of pathetic considering these slides are literally the tutorial. i assume this is a quota “article”

You call it a war but from what I’ve seen one side is hurling accusations and insults and the other side is enjoying a new video game.

Sold 7 million copies, or 7 million players? There’s a big difference. I know the tweet text says 7 million copies sold, but the picture says 7 million tamers (players).

I’m okay with it as long as they’re okay with never owning any of my money.

“Things might be a lot harder for small and mid-sized websites, apps, and publishers who make all their money on ads. Websites like this one… yikes.”

Good.  Not everything’s about making a damn buck off me.

Bethesda couldn’t write an engaging story if they tried. It’s always an afterthought. They focus on world design first, then write stories around it to explain things.

Yes, Cyberpunk’s early issues were clear mistakes. The developers clearly didn’t intend for cars to be falling from the sky or NPC’s to be taking off on invisible motorcycles. CDPR’s response to 2077's disastrous launch was that it needed to be fixed.

I wouldn’t say the story is “rotten to the core.” That would imply that it’s off putting or sickening in some sense.

Instead it’s flat, flavourless and bland.

Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. Until I see otherwise, I'm assuming this is your standard Ubisoft mono-game. All the same missions, activities, side quests, etc. that are in every other Ubisoft game, just with slightly different names.

That thumbnail image looks suspiciously AI generated?

Hey FYI Your title doesn’t make any sense? The video appears to be for some Mac/iphone version of Resident Evil 4 not a VR one?

figma balls

figma balls

As long as GdT gets to design Leto II and especially his cart, I can dig it. :D

I desperately want him to finish Children, and then if he’s done after that (which would be fair enough) get Del Toro in to do God Emperor.

agreed about the stupid dark mode

They did.