That Lamer

Climate change is really important to me.

It really was the beginning of the end, and killed any interest I had in the show, and I’m sure I’m not alone. The creators probably saw a steep drop off in viewers after the switch, put the show on autopilot and quietly went off to other projects.

Can we talk about how the comment section from the Root was disabled. Instead of dealing with trolls, the powers that be decide to remove the ability to comment. It was bad enough when they silenced black voices on deadspin, and now they are doing it on the only part of their company that covers “black” topics.

Don’t think so. There are scores of Korean or Asian artists who have this very common style. This is definitely the style that AI most commonly copies though.

People play this in English?

Hey now, this is a real slippery slope. If you remove all the repetititve, tedious, and uninteresting bits from Starfield there will be hardly anything left.

Which is still a fantastically stupid way to manage security. It introduces a single point of failure. Compromise my phone, and you’ve got access to every account that relies on it for authentication. Any two factor code that you’re likely to get from an app, email, or SMS (the latter two already being laughably

Counter-point - don’t do any of this.

I firmly believe that the world would be a much easier place if we simply legalized and recognized sex work as a legitimate and non-stigmatized industry.

Definitely seems like a combination of “desperate to make matches” and “so unpleasant that the regular match-making isn’t working for them”.

Jesus christ, what?

No we wouldn’t. The fuck?!

I’ve tried using it a couple times and I find it a bit underwhelming compared to some other games. It’s missing a few options that made a couple pictures I tried to take just not work. Like why can’t I change my character’s expression? There is a couple fun poses but they just fall flat when my character is locked

The use of “satisfying” has lost all meaning.

For these chests you have to wait the 48 hours local time and then talk to the vendor again before trying to access the chest - the conversation is what resets the chest.

That’s not my problem and I don’t care what their workload is. I paid $70 for something unfinished that was in development for 5-7 years. Not my problem as the customer.

Add to that the chip that Apple adds to all USB connectors so that the device knows it’s an official Apple cable or something, and this sounds like a good way to confuse and lose customers.

I am wondering if it’s bad writing. This is the first mention I’ve seen of this.

proprietary (USB-C) Apple cable to get the fastest juice possible

I’m liking this game and all...but get out of here.
This quest was absolutely terrible. The available resolution options are all dog shit and the whole thing amounted to essentially “talk to 3-4 NPC’s in a loop”. It also has some real chekhov’s gun problems with its early setup, in that the Captain specifically