That Lamer

This is what I mean when I say Bethesda ain’t exactly great at looking at all perspectives in situation: they have an outcome they want, and they may give you some slightly different ways in which to effect this outcome, but broadly they end up in the same place, in terms of how it affects the world.

Not including melee weapons in the standard “basic -> refined -> advanced” or whatever series feels like a bug, rather than a design decision. You can futz with console commands and add one of those to a melee weapon, and it works fine. They just never appear in the game as loot or shop items. When you’re finding

Gamebryo is basically Tammy Faye Baker: a shrunken head with 200 pounds of makeup plastered on to make it look like it has more substance than it does.

forgot to add, melee weapons ALSO cannot be modded”

you know what, this is a fair counterpoint. it does take a while to max out skills in this game but in my early goings i found that even just one or two points into the above attributes does wonders for a melee-focused build. that said starfield is all about choosing your playstyle so really, whatever works for you :)

Playing FO4 after New Vegas was kinda hilarious: you can tell Todd was so very, very envious (and jealous) of FNV.

Damn I was hoping they had gotten a new engine. But that does explain why there are already mods for the game.

Here’s a headline for The Onion:

Strand was so poorly integrated into Lightfall that we all assumed it must’ve been shoehorned in because they couldn’t get it ready in time for Witch Queen, but now that we know that Strand was designed for Lightfall the whole time this just makes Bungie seem even more incompetent. Like there’s zero explanation why

If this is true, then that just makes the integration of Strand in Lightfall feel even more ham-fisted. Thematically, Strand just fits better in Witch Queen’s narrative IMO. 

This is a bad take, imo. If you like the game, play it. If you’d rather write your Pathfinder campaign, write it. Neither is competing to take attention away from the other, you just are hitting the time management needed to juggle the two. If you can’t make the time for both or you feel friction from giving the game

People who want things to change only want the things they dislike to change, not the stuff they like.”

Around the same time as the prequels, he did the “ambitious but flawed young man tipping into darkness” thing at the heart of Anakin 1000x better in the movie Shattered Glass. It was definitely the Star Wars writing holding him back.

It seems to me that the people involved in the production of this show should stop taking questions and doing interviews, as it either makes them sound stupid or is deeply insulting to fans.

Kotaku and Giz really know how to beat a dead bear.

You know, I’d log in regularly if it wasn’t a pain in the ass to update the Uplay/Ubisoft Connect/Usteam/Uwhateverthefuckitscalled software almost every time I log in. I get like 10 Windows Security prompts every time it updates.

Except I don’t find it boring. But thanks for the unnecessary sarcasm.

I can’t say I’ve had that issue. The only place I find a drag is Dhalmekia, but I find that about most desert areas.


I still do not understand how this is good business sense. Write-ups are not $1 spent, $1 removed from tax bill. Its a percentage. Exactly what percentage I don’t know but it something along the lines of destroying a brand new $1000 computer just so you can save $300 on your tax bill. I have yet to read an article