That Lamer

End of thread, seems like.

Is this how you farm (You)‘s when you’re too left leaning to go on 4chan?

I’d go with “irredeemable moron” personally.

As part of our ongoing global strategy, we are expanding the distribution of our Apex Legends testing team and ending testing execution that’s been concentrated in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, impacting services provided by our third-party provider. Our global team, inclusive of remote playtesters across the U.S.,

Not my Spike. Blum’s overly affected snarl of a voice is one of the big reasons why I hate english VO in anime.

White suburbanites that have only ever listened to billy ray cyrus and garth brooks their entire lives really coming out of the woodwork hard for this one.

SH, what are your thoughts on the Merry’s figurehead redesign?

That video had me worried tbh, someone in a decision making position saw the going merry and thought “hmm interesting, but can we get a little more realism? I’m not feeling uncomfortable enough about the figure head.”

You do start with the thunder ball, which Marcus uses to either bean enemies in the head or choke out with the tether. I used it primarily through that game too, up until the later beat where you lose a friend. I figured that was a good time to harden him up a bit and switch up the gameplay.

The person I replied to used GTA4 as an example, so maybe don’t miss the forest for the trees?

What about Watch Dogs 1 levels of ludonarrative dissonance? The game where you’re a hero vigilante who constantly spies on citizens and murders random thugs.

Electronics are confusing,

Not getting a “wish he’d died” vibe like you are, but the edge may have to do with the fact that he’s kind of a piece of shit ( ) who did something extremely stupid resulting in injury. I saw some erroneous reporting claiming it was a neighbors car,

Considering his land is referred to as a ranch, I assume he opts to tackle everything himself (with the help of whatever his obscene wealth can afford) rather than exposing himself and address to weirdos at large.

I can’t believe honored brigadier general Hasan Piker’s tactical analysis of “it would be insane for putin to invade and offer few advantages, so he probably won’t” directly lead to the invasion and people dying. How could he? Why won’t he apologize for this greatest of sins?

Kotaku was founded as and continues to report/blog/twitlonger on general nerd culture, with a slightly higher spin towards video games and japanese (anime et al) media and news.

I’m alex jones because I know how the technology works, use it, see it being used, and have used photoshop more than zero times in my life, and therefore understand how to make an image identical to one of the ones floating around twitter?

Meanwhile people on Artstation began protesting its adoption of AI by using big red circular prohibition signs, and lo and behold, Midjourney started putting random bright red slashes and circles through everyone’s AI generations for a little while,

Grandmaster Ursine is definitely the best looking armor in the game, though I’d also settle for Cavill (in an alternate universe where he continued and the show wasn’t kinda shit) in whatever this miscellaneous set’s called:

Best I can do is a free trip to a landfill, so you can live like the trash you are along side all of that waste you needlessly produced.