What an ass-hat of an attorney.
What an ass-hat of an attorney.
Cops: Get out of the tree
Maybe it's my monitor, but I really can't tell from this picture which is the mentally challenged one.
I know you're a huge commenter on Deadspin but that's a really shitty thing to post about someone getting murdered. Was that lame joke really THAT important that you just couldn't refrain from posting it?
Its hard to think of a way for that support chain to be more in the way. Also does a nice job of keeping it from folding up flat.
this guy had a show on comedy central.... so unfunny...(he would never have had a show but for the jewish peace corp—-getting your own show on com central)
Marge: Homer, I don't think you should wear a short-sleeved shirt with a tie.
Homer: But Sipowicz does it.
It's Putin — former KGB.
He's clearly checking the kid for a wire.
did anyone else read this article because they thought the top image was a screenshot from Saints Row 4?
running, biking, running, hey...he's cross training!