meanwhile the chinese have de-engineered it from photos and three of them operational as we speak
no this is creepy
" hey girl call the Police...but wait until after we have gone though the drive thru I needs to eat"
After this he had to go into the Jehovah's witness protection program
balls of steel
Jack Philips from so called master shit cakes looks like he has a recurring role on criminal minds he totally looks like a perv probably adds his own special icing from time to time
Who wuld want a cake from some ass hole like Aaron Klien the man looks like a homeless pig hes wating for razor blades to go on sale? he probably dosent wash his hands after he shits
Talk about your 1st world problems poor you. You need to go look into the mirror and ask yourself is there anything more relevant I could be writing about?
once gave my partner of 15 years, $10,000.00 so he could buy a near car...two months later he left me in the fucking car..................
go google Ridge weed puller this one is made by Fiskars its the best thing I have ever used