that jersey Guy

why is it we have the same face?

Talk about your 1st world problems poor you. You need to go look into the mirror and ask yourself is there anything more relevant I could be writing about?

once gave my partner of 15 years, $10,000.00 so he could buy a near car...two months later he left me in the fucking car..................

Patrick Swayze more the make up better

go google Ridge weed puller this one is made by Fiskars its the best thing I have ever used

The best, works everytime

the best way to have settled this was with a duel Im sure the bus driver had a couple of 9mm's stored under his seat after all it's Florida

Those damn Canadians are trying to corner the flying car market now..They must be stopped!!!!

Joey down at Starbucks?

patched a hole in my radiator hose

if I ever go to the moon I want you to come with me :-)

+1 Zip ties have saved me so often

yep I see him

VW should come out with a special Manson edition complete with duct tape and a bowie knife in the glove box

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights
with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with
silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of
Put out my hand, and
touched the face of God.