that jersey Guy

they are certainly old school I wonder how long they will be around, until someone in Asia knocks off their products

They are smuggling people inside the column.

even as a fashion accessory they will slowly disappear like hats and hat pins and if ray ban can make google glasses.........

once gave my partner of 15 years, $10,000.00 so he could buy a near car...two months later he left me in the fucking car..................

How many famlies could be make?

Patrick Swayze more the make up better

I built my own time travel stuffing my microwave with tinfoil I was able to go back to 1972 or is that just the wallpaper in my kitchen?

go google Ridge weed puller this one is made by Fiskars its the best thing I have ever used

The best, works everytime

shit my record collection's got termites

the best way to have settled this was with a duel Im sure the bus driver had a couple of 9mm's stored under his seat after all it's Florida

I can still buy 2 of these for $5.00 at womens roller derby Yahoooo

my preference

its funny I dont rememeber this being on the original plan...

Those damn Canadians are trying to corner the flying car market now..They must be stopped!!!!

oh they are bastards!!!

if this is a plug for that new movie "Gravity" I'll never read Gizmodo again

Joey down at Starbucks?

the new x120-mm with plasma fiber