That Is Not Ironic

We can only hope

Anything over three minutes is cutting into my napping time.

1/2 hour?

Dammit. Now I’m thinking about Angelina Jolie.

Why did someone write all over her with a sharpie? Did she pass out at a party?

People who need this article probably aren’t capable of giving consent.

That’s not how radiation works.

I love these articles that boil down to “be a fucking adult”.

To be fair, being able to piss wherever you want is the best thing about being a man.

“Some of them are innocuous, and some of them are troubling.”.

I’m guessing that it wasn’t in the brochure.

Rape happens at single sex institutions as well.

Thanks. I had some good bosses when I was young. I always ask myself “what would Dave do?” Dave was a pot smoking, astrology believing freak. He was also a genius, incredibly kind, and worth about $70 million back in the early 80s.

It involves all three. ;)

Oh, I WANT to believe in Bigfoot, but he isn’t driving a Faster Than Light spaceship, if you know what I mean.

You are an idiot.

My secretary, who is otherwise a lovely and rational woman, believes in ALL THE THINGS. Probings, abductions, pyramid building, interbreeding with humans, you name it. It’s sort of sad, but her delusions make her happy and a week camping outside Area 51 every summer leaves her refreshed and invigorated.

Your partner is no dummy.

Minor typo in the first line.

I only hate that which I cannot do.