That Handsome Horse

I couldn’t get over the number of commenters using both “living for this” and “slaying my existence” in the same sentence. I’m so confused.

YOU DON’T HIT PEOPLE FOR SAYING SHIT YOU DON’T LIKE. PERIOD. Life is cruel and people are shitty. That is a fact. You don’t get to knock someone’s fucking tooth out because they said something offensive. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Eh, I dunno. I have a friend who accidentally knocked her own two front teeth out in college. 15 years later and she still has to have uncomfortable dental procedures done every few months including multiple gum grafts and shit. Fake teeth don’t last forever. It’s really not that implausible.

I’d say Dave Chapelle definitely has international appeal. I also think the fact that he very suddenly dropped off the face of the planet 15 years ago at the height of his fame and is now resurrecting his career is a huge part of the draw here. Everyone loves a comeback and Netflix has been all about the comebacks -

needs more third person

Caviars are priced by rarity. The best caviars comes from sturgeon, which also happen to be an endangered species - so I guess the luxury part comes from the fact that you’re eating the unborn babies of a critically endangered species?

love the taste of caviar. am not rich. will eat on cracker with cream cheese.

I feel like if 2017 itself wasn’t enough of an education (and insult for that matter) for a moderate or undecided voter, maybe it’s not the worst thing if those people don’t vote.

1. Twitter rolled out 280 characters widely in November, while #metoo went viral on social media (are you for real? Of course metoo is considered first and foremost a social media campaign) in October.

I know more than a couple women (including survivors) who reject the #metoo movement because they believe it lumps together rape and harassment too casually. It’s not an insignificant point.

I’m a forgive-but-never-forget-...and-make-sure-everyone-knows-what-garbage-they-are  kinda girl.

Yeah this is the part that bugs me most. I’m all for using software that can recognize and filter graphic nudity or violence, but I can’t see how giving some dude at a content-review farm access to that shit inspires confidence.

Yeah, but if the world worked that way we wouldn’t have ended up with President Donald Fucking Trump.

Cool story, bro.

I feel like Italians especially take that shit real serious. My friend once asked for parmesan cheese for his seafood pasta and the waiter was like, “we don’t put cheese on seafood” and walked away.

I guess I don’t really understanding converting at all. If there is a god and it wants to burn you in hell for all eternity because you ate too much at Passover Seder instead of opening presents next to a tree, I feel like you’re never gonna make it happy anyway.

Have you read the Amazon reviews? So many people writing that they probably would never have bought this book but felt compelled to after he tried to have it banned. I guess even ‘Mericans don’t take kindly to folks telling them what they can or cannot read.

Bought the kindle version and three hardcovers. Will keep one at home and donate the other two to my local library. I don’t care if it is TMZ politics - everyone should have access to this book.

As a classically considered “chosen” person, fuck that guy.

I think my favorite revelation from Fire and Fury is that Kushner calls his dad “daddy” *dry-heave*