
jilly boal, jilly boal, jolly boal.

I really don't get the "Kermit is a dick" complaint. The show is basically "30 Rock with Muppets" with Kermit as Liz and Piggy and Jenna. Apart from the whole "they used to date thing," you could replace Kermit and Piggy with Liz and Jenna (or Liz and Tracy) and the plotlines would play out essentially the same.

Tell that to the librarian ghost.

Haha, I fixed that eight minutes ago! But wait, this comment is from two minutes ago. What?

We'll send them cheesy movies. The worst we can find!

When the emotions and control panel are at the bottom left of the screen, Sadness isn't present, yet her disembodied voice is still heard. Boy, I hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Sure, the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was trapped in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them. Because one time, I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank

I may be one of the few champions of Ghostbusters 2, but even its detractors must admit Vigo is a more imposing villain than Gozer "Pat Benatar taking a Bubble Bath" the Gozerian.

There's one story with the kid who digs up a toe in his garden, and his family decides to eat it. Then the giant or whatever comes to his house to avenge his big toe. Without the illustration, that story is completely stupid. But with the picture? I wasn't afraid of the thing with missing toe, but I was terrified of

Here, kids, enjoy the adventures of this happy little unicorn that sounds like Webigail from Duck Tales! What could possibly go wrong?

Good grief, the comedian's a bear!

What about screaming sun…on the cob?

Like a Bizarro Kermit the Frog.

How does bustin' make you feel?

I'll admit it was soul-crushing to find out Mike Nelson was a Republican, but it didn't make me retroactively hate MST3K. This thing where you don't like someone's politics, so every non-political they've ever done is garbage doesn't sit right with me. This article just felt…gross.

Useless trivia: Geena Davis starred in two consecutive movies in which her love interest's lower jaw falls off.

For some reason I was thinking this was about Sam Rockwell, like someone replaced Scott Bacula with clips of Sam Rockwell and it's just Rockwell and Stockwell and they can it Rock, Stock and Two Smoking Wells.

I still have my Jim Henson Hour lunchbox.

"That's the second-fattest housewife I've ever seen!" - Guybrush Threepwood, probably.