I know this is where we go to talk about things that aren't the Tolerability Index, but how can an "imminently" and/or "eminently" watchable show and an "idiotic" commercial both be "tolerable?" How does this crazy scale work?
I know this is where we go to talk about things that aren't the Tolerability Index, but how can an "imminently" and/or "eminently" watchable show and an "idiotic" commercial both be "tolerable?" How does this crazy scale work?
Is now a good time to admit I've never seen Point Break? The only reason I know Keanu=Utah is through cultural osmosis.
The "whilst" makes it classy.
The problem with clapping is trying to get several people to clap in rhythm and all stop and the same time. That, and my dad cups his hands when he claps so it's really friggin' loud.
Ahem…Might HAVE Heard Of.
I don't care if it's just a children's song, I hate "If You're Happy and You Know It" more than any other happy-themed song by a wide margin. If you're happy and you know it? How the fuck can you be happy and not know it?
Don't forget to include an obnoxious cover photo that makes you instantly hate them before they even say a word!
Anyone else read the first paragraph and immediately picture a Jewish smurf in clown makeup? "Shalom, mothersmurfers! Where my smurfin' ninjas at?"
"Below, we’ve singled 16 late sequels (part five or beyond) that actually rock."
"they had to get the kid to cry in a scene so the kid's dad took him off to the side and told him his mother was dead."
He wasn't Jason Bourne, he was just part of that same program. Like Teen Wolf Too.
A Google image search for "Mad Hatter" yields a vast sea of Johnny Depps, which is maddening enough on it's own, but even more so when Wreck It Ralph showed us that Alan Tudyk does a killer Ed Wynn.
You're the birthday,
You're the birthday,
You're the birthday boy or girl!
What a relief! As it is, whenever I need my "Happy Birthday" fix, my only option is to watch The Room
Helm (Artist) Format: Vinyl
Temporarily Out of Stock
Next time on Teen Girl Squad: Nights
It was the second Audrey who died, who out of reverence, shall not be refered to as Audrey II.
Maybe his thing is to go around making false statements and when someone falls for it, he says "Ha! You got Herpes!"
And if it's not, it should be.
"Go to hell-ron, L. Ron!"
Just trying to help them cross over. I know if I saw that, I'd head for that big, blinding light.