
There is. While my personal preference is more to the Laura on the right, her body makes absolutely no sense for an athletic, jungle tomb invading adventurer. But neither does the stick girl on the left; those legs and arms could not endure all that rock climbing. The Laura from the 2013 game, who's not shown here,

More like C'MOFF, amirite?

I'm okay with that.

Oh what horrible thing will my 80s heroes do next? Are we going to find out Michael J. Fox pushed baby Jessica down that well?

I don't even own a fedora, but Kathleen absolutely needs her tits punched.

Aw, now I'm just the guy that didn't read all the comments before asking if someone noticed something that more than likely someone already noticed. A.V. Club Commenters: What Do They Notice? Do They Notice Things? Let's Find Out!

Yes I do, or yes you did?

Damn it , do I have to be the guy that says "Did anyone notice Scott Wolf was the fox and Matthew Fox was the wolf?"

Well, yeah. In Canada.

Just don't get the "Collector's Edition" foil variant cover. They always oversaturate the market with those things.

If you want to make a "Harold and the Purple Crayon" joke, do so now. I'm gonna sit this one out.

I love Three Amigos, and I will fight to the death anyone who says Innerspace is not the superior "shrink down tiny and float around in someone's body" film, but beyond that I can't really think of another time adding Martin Short made something better.

Damn scamps. I just made a sweet "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" joke on Facebook. Fucking crickets.

And that man's name is Clark Duke.
If you're old enough, try reading that in Paul Harvey's voice. If you're not, get off my lawn!

I think the wax figure line is way more sassy. I could never actually snap my fingers, but if I could, I'd do that, and this thing with my head. I realize you can't see what I'm doing, but I assure you, I see cartoon black ladies do it all the time, and they are full of sass.

They sit down to a romantic candlelit dinner, lean in to kiss, and suddenly their faces meld together into one horrific lump. I don't want to give away the ending, but let's just say the village Home Depot sold out of pitchforks.

Perhaps history will be kinder to The Comedians, with IFC running marathons, Josh Gad cosplayers wandering convention halls, and glorious slash fiction as far as the eye can see. In time, it will sit alongside Firefly, Terriers, and Freaks & Geeks in the Hall of Unjustly Cancelled Classics.

I feel bad for Billy Crystal. Poor guy is locked away in an attic somewhere while the wax figure of him that magically came to life is running around making awful movies and scaring children.

"I could not be more proud of the work we all did."
You could probably be more proud if it'd been good enough for a second season.

Kevin James could take a dump and it would have a better chance as a write-in candidate than Trump ever will. It'd be a better president, too.