I hope Future's next album is an introspective piece called "Back to Me"
I hope Future's next album is an introspective piece called "Back to Me"
Future: I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet, but your kids are gonna love it.
I sold a few book covers online for $60 each. One of them went to a book called "A Warm Acceptance of Love: Cosmic & Erotic Poems of Black Erotica." It's still on Amazon, but the last three words are gone now. That was the best part!
Hi, popular rapper Future. You're so bright, I have to wear shades.
I don't know who Future is either, but I hope he always introduces himself as "popular rapper Future."
They could at least play some music. You know, busk the question.
She was here a minute a go, but she was getting sleepy, so Bill Cosby offered to take her home.
It's like a unicorn, or a black astronaut.
Disney's Direct to Video sequels don't count as real movies and should never be regarded as such.
Wrong 15-year-old David Spade movie got a sequel. The only way for David Spade to win back the hearts of Americans is through the voice of a talking llama.
Anything that cuts to what is clearly a dummy for a stunt double will always get a laugh out of me. The wheelchair was just icing.
I keep thinking "this is going to get old fast," but every time it gets to the dummy in the wheelchair flying off the cliff I lose it.
I hope Neil Young will remember, a streaming service don't need him around anyhow.
Some are at least a little more honest than others. There's the reasonable yet redundant "17 Hidden Secrets You Probably Didn't Notice in Disney Movies" and then there's "17 Creepy Secrets Disney Doesn't Want You To Know. Just Wow." And they link to identical slideshows of Disney Easter eggs. I've got to say, I was…
Sometimes I'll get "Shows on the Cancelation Bubble"…from 2013.
I still get RV ads because I looked up camp grounds for my wife's friend over a year ago.
I am Carvallo.
Well, you are a doctor.
Why is the dot in front of the A on that hat? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
This is the way to go. Links to products at least tangentially related to the article you just read are infinitely better than clickbait garbage like "10 Cute Child Actors Who Grew Up to Be Ugly." There's one on this page right now, "10 Signs You May Have a Blood Clot in Your Leg" and I'm trying to figure out if it's…