It's a trivia contest, not a sadomasochistic cult.
It's a trivia contest, not a sadomasochistic cult.
I remember Lori Singer in a grunge flannel, and the promos whispering "VR-5 is real." Other than that, something about her brother, I think? I know they only aired 10 of the 13 produced episodes, so there's still 3 I've never seen.
Hey you guys remember VR5?
Huh. I swore the rise of invisible colas coincided with the OJ Simpson trial. Maybe it was the Menendez brothers.
Old? Just because I remember Hurricane Saturday? Or that kid who had a report due on space? The cultural phenomenon that was Mac Tonight? I have three California Raisins specials I recorded off the tv (they even had a cartoon, as did M.C. Hammer and his magic talking shoes.) I remember "The Soldier and Death"…
After looking up Cobrasnake, yeah, but the girl version. So she's really more like the Amelia Earhart of taking pictures of hipsters. But that's not accurate either, because she didn't die halfway through.
This implies there were previous Christmases spent only partially on LSD.
Hmm….ask me again tomorrow.
Hipster girl, obviously. She's long already outpaced me. Which sounds sad, but I raised her, so it still counts as a win for or me.
I was in high school in 95, and liked/was terrified of this girl, who now has her own Wikipedia page because she invented taking pictures of hipsters or something. I'm pretty sure at this point I have no chance of eclipsing or even matching her success, but now I've got my own teenage daughter and I'm focusing on…
I hate serious girlfriends. They never laugh at my jokes.
Who is always standing and walking?
Surely he's a Hell Man by now. The movie should be about him making mayonnaise.
No FDR: American Badass?
Would you believe Piggies influenced Monty Python?
Hey now, one of those women had a husband who was accused, too. They crushed him to death. And the one woman who actually admitted to being a witch was released (granted, she was beaten until she confessed, and she was still a slave, but still, admitting to being a witch is a surprisingly effective recourse for being…
Boo to skipping Come Together. Not only does it have one of the best openings of any Beatles song, but the Aerosmith cover is the only bright spot of the Sgt. Pepper movie. As for the nonsense lyrics, Beck's whole career is songs with nonsense lyrics, and unless you're Kanye West, you know Beck is great.
I've always hoped that all of Tom Cruise's action movies have secretly been training exercises for his nigh-impossible escape from Scientology.
Fuck that guy. He's a wight supremacist.
You are doing the Lord's work.